Looking for support as I try this for the second time

Hi to whoever reads this! My name is Melody and I am in my Mid 20's, married, and work full time. My husband and I have both always been heavy and we both LOVE to cook. Once we got married, we both became very comfortable and we both have gained weight together, so we decided to lose it together as well.

We started the process in January of 2013 and well for a few months until my husband lost his job. The combination of the stress that it put on us, and the inability to afford to go to a gym (which is a big thing for us) put us in a spiral down and we are both the heaviest that we have ever been. But, by the grace of God we are in a much better financial place and much stronger than we have ever been and we have descended to try this again, with the goal of being at our ideal weight in July of 2014 and taking a much needed vacation as an early celebration of our 5th anniversary.

Several years ago I was diagnosed with PCOS and Pre Diabetes. I have pretty much been able to control my blood sugars with my diet and as of now I am not experiencing any problems with either condition, but I know that they can be detrimental to my health if left untreated and if I stay overweight. So, I am doing this for me as well as for my husband because he deserves a trophy wife. :wink:

Although we are doing this together, and he is such an awesome support and my best friend, I feel like I need some outside help from some other women who are in a similar place that I am. It is so hard to work full time at a sedentary job and find time to eat right and exercise, even without having kids! I look forward to hearing from anyone who would be willing to join me in this journey.
