About to give up!!

Hello everyone! Well the point is this I have since April I have not dropped a single gram instead I started to gain a few pounds again, I'm very disappointed, I'm human and like everyone here I have my ups and downs, when I began my day was weighing all arround of 242 lbs (June/2012) for December of 2012 I had lost 51 pounds but starting in January everything went harder and was not losing weight so fast, my food a little neglect, followed trying to continue and April 2013 and had lost almost 63 pounds at this point I was super happy but in May my nightmare began far from following down I started to climb a pound, two, three (my weight varies between 183,184,185,186 pounds) but today I just felt worse than ever when weighing 188 lbs, am I still do not understand why? I try to eat around 1500 a day, and try to work out about 2 hours (jillian michaels, billy blanks and treadmill) with these exercises sometimes burn up to 1200 calories without counting my household chores, I've also made ​​some challenges such as squats, lunges and am currently doing one of push ups and squats clear that these challenges earn 5 inches on each leg, and change my workout, maybe the problem is diet, I feel lost and sincerely want to surrender five months have passed and I can not lose weight, I need some advice, something I can help, I repeat that my diary is not a very healthy daily...but I try to be around my limits! Thank you guys


  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    is 1500 net? after exercise calories eaten back?

    Do you use a kitchen scale?

    and Diary is closed so it's hard to say to the content...
  • I don't know whats wrong my diary should be visible to the public,and about my calorie net is too low sometimes!! example if I ate around 1500 cal and sometimes I can burn 1600/1700 so my calorie net is -200
  • i really want to say "don't ever give up" but i am the last person that can say that
    especially since today i thought the same thought as well.
    but i didnt, i held up
    it's a struggle everyday and i am basically as stuck as you,
    but i want to think that the next weighting will show better results, i have to think that if i keep up with my program my body will lose the fight.
    the only advice i can give you is, ask for support from family and friends and keep exercising, have patience.
    good luck
  • ellew70
    ellew70 Posts: 222 Member
    I don't know whats wrong my diary should be visible to the public,and about my calorie net is too low sometimes!! example if I ate around 1500 cal and sometimes I can burn 1600/1700 so my calorie net is -200

    How are you determining how many calories you burn? If you are using MFP's estimate, they are generally not especially accurate. If you are eating back all your calories, you may be eating too much.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    I don't know whats wrong my diary should be visible to the public,and about my calorie net is too low sometimes!! example if I ate around 1500 cal and sometimes I can burn 1600/1700 so my calorie net is -200

    That is extremely dangerous and unhealthy. You should be netting to your GOAL...you're just tanking your metabolism and throwing your hormones into god only knows what kind of craziness. You do realize that your body burns calories just keeping you alive right? You don't have to work them all off. At this point, I would recommend some professional help...that's really not good at all.
  • I
    I don't know whats wrong my diary should be visible to the public,and about my calorie net is too low sometimes!! example if I ate around 1500 cal and sometimes I can burn 1600/1700 so my calorie net is -200

    How are you determining how many calories you burn? If you are using MFP's estimate, they are generally not especially accurate. If you are eating back all your calories, you may be eating too much.
  • I have my own hrm polar ft4
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    If you truely are at -200 net eat some food...

    Net calories are 1500 after exercise and I see most days you are not eating back your calories...

    And Helloooooooooooo sodium...

    Do you use a kitchen scale...
  • yes I have my kitchen scale,measure cups
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    Well if you are faithful with the scale then you really need to eat more food. You are netting under 1200 most days and your sodium is usually over which can lead to water retention.

    As for the measurments did you measure anywhere else....doing JM I have lost 8lbs but 13 inches..

    How do your clothes fit???? Are you switching up your exercise a lot, do you do resistence training? Ie weights...
  • mamacoates
    mamacoates Posts: 430 Member
    Sounds like you are consistently consuming too low based on NET data. If 1500 is your goal, try making sure you are hitting at least 1200 NET each day. Maybe also try backing off on your exercise a bit. My son has been educating me on "De-loading" which is essentially a planned rest period of several days to a week where you reduce the intensity/frequency/length of your workouts to give your body a period of rest before returning to your original routines. It is an opportunity for your body to recover and re-set. I've done this twice now (unplanned :-0 ) and came back feeling stronger and helps move me out of a plateau stage.

    Also be sure you are tracking EVERYTHING. I find that some of the food and exercise entries on MFP are not accurate so tracking everything to the best of your ability and verifying the data of other people's contributions to the system is critical to make sure you are "in the ball park".

    Also check out this article by CPT Tim Yamagata who explains 5 common mistakes that often prevent people from reaching their fitness goals along with suggestions to get back on track. Reprinted article from California Family Fitness website: http://www.californiafamilyfitness.com/the-daily/cff-blog/2013/09/09/not-seeing-results.

    Best wishes and keep going. Remind yourself of where you started and where you are now ... "this too shall pass"!!
  • I did 30 day shred,walk,sometimes weight lifting,taebo,banish fat and recently started killer abs
  • thank you!!! I wil try to eat 1200 cal net
  • Ivey05131980
    Ivey05131980 Posts: 1,118 Member
    I have been stuck for awhile...like, since May. Between outings and bday parties and vacations I have really just maintained, since it was up down up down. Well, this week, I have been "balls to the walls" good and eating at a deficit where MFP says I should lose about 1.5. I believe I might lose more than that this week. I have been drinking more water, less carbs, not eating after 7ish, more protein. I have really tried hard this week and I think it will pay off. Just switch something up. Try one week to lower cals and see how you do, maybe the next week cut back on carbs/fat and up water. Something has got to give eventually.
  • nomeejerome
    nomeejerome Posts: 2,616 Member
    I am glad that you have stopped entertaining the idea of pills that you had this morning and you finally opened your diary and answered some of the questions. This thread is clearer than the one this morning.

    And for future reference, in case you are not aware: (from community guidelines)

    9. Do Not Post the Same Topic on Multiple Boards or Groups
    Please choose the most appropriate board or group for your post and post it once. Posting the same message to multiple boards or multiple groups is a form of spam. Please note that this is NOT a guideline against inadvertently posting a question another member has asked before. We explicitly allow members to post questions that have been asked previously by other members. If you see a member post a topic that you think has been asked before by another member, please respond politely or simply move on. However, the same member cannot ask the same question or post the same topic more than once.

  • Hello! I can't believe you'd want to give up after losing so much! Maybe the reason you're not losing more is your metabolism? How often do you eat?