On the right track?

Hello everyone. I'm not exactly new to myfitnesspal, but I've never been to the website before now. I've been poking through some forums and reading a little here and there, and it's encouraged me to post a topic of my own, that being, am I on the right track with my routine? Let me go into some detail...

It started back in January, I was 200lbs. 5' 5", 22 years old. Due to a change in my life, my eating habits began to change.
- I drink nothing but water. Period.
- I cut fast food out of my diet completely.
- I refuse to eat past 7pm (bedtime is 10pm!)
- I snack throughout the day.

Then I found myfitnesspal and even more changes were made.
- I drink 74oz of water daily.
- I (try) to consume between 1200 and 1500 calories a day, it's been difficult lately.
- I drink unsweetened oolong tea, 24oz a day.
- I take iron and B12 supplements.

Now I weigh 170lbs just from dieting alone. But progress has slowed, and I know that I'm going to have to incorporate exercise into my routine as well. I plan on walking 2 miles in the morning, and 2 more in the evening.

Let me explain what I eat daily, and this is where is gets difficult...

Breakfast- 540 calories
Special K Protein Bar
Honey bunches of oats cereal
Slim Fast

Snacks- (3 times a day) 445 Calories
Baby carrots

Dinner- varies
For dinner I try and just use the rest of my calorie room, but to be honest, it's usually 3 or 4 eggs, veggie stew, or soup. Anything high in protein.

So, just by this information alone, if I stick with my calorie intake goal and exercise goal, does it seem okay? Are the foods I'm eating healthy? I suppose I just want an outside opinion.

Thank you.


  • ddky
    ddky Posts: 381 Member
    I think it looks good. I also lost thirty pounds without too much trouble and then the weight loss stopped. I had a two month plateau. Finally I took about three weeks and ate more and exercised less. Just trying to eat as much as I could without actually gaining weight. After doing that, I went back to my usual routine and lost 1.5 pounds the next week. Unfortunately then we went on vacation, but that's another story. Just saying sometimes a little break seems to help.
  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    Progress will slow more and more as you get closer to your ideal weight. It's just a fact of life. You have to keep tweaking and working your diet and exercise. You'll probably have to adjust your loss rate as well.
  • qtgonewild
    qtgonewild Posts: 1,930 Member
    are you eating cereal without milk?
  • Ransou
    I drink the low fat unsweetened blue diamond almond breeze milk. It's like 30 calories per cup, and I generally only drink 1 1/2 - 2 cups with my cereal.