Come on ladies! (Men help me out)



  • donthesitate
    donthesitate Posts: 255 Member
    We can rationally and logically respond to men being dumb burros? Seriously, guys, sometimes we're being overly emotional and sometimes you do or say something that just blows our minds in all the wrong ways.

    Ive always been the rational one...this must be why I end up with all the sensitive guys :huh:

    No, you just choose the wrong guys.

    Wrong? How so?

    You said you end up with the sensitive guys. The common theme is you. Look for a different type of guy who isn't really sensitive.

    Its harder to figure out than youd think....its not so much that theyre sensitive, its when they have no spine and cry more then I do...
  • xvxCelticWandererxvx
    xvxCelticWandererxvx Posts: 2,890 Member
    I'm too damned tired to be emotional. That being said, if I'm right, I'm right. And, that monthly emotional rollercoaster? Ya, long gone ... sooo, I'm a double fun girl :drinker:
  • anemoneprose
    anemoneprose Posts: 1,805 Member
    I fight daily against the assumption that my reactions to any given situation will be dictated by my emotion and not by rational thought. Men feel they need to walk on egg shells because their simple observations can be twisted into personal attacks by our ovaries. Please tell me there is hope! Please tell me you can step back from a situation and look at it form a perspective of logic and reasoning!

    You sound like you hate women
  • TheNoLeafClover
    TheNoLeafClover Posts: 335 Member
    Men and women are not all that different. When you strip away social conditioning, the psychological differences between the sexes are relatively minor.
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    We can rationally and logically respond to men being dumb burros? Seriously, guys, sometimes we're being overly emotional and sometimes you do or say something that just blows our minds in all the wrong ways.

    Ive always been the rational one...this must be why I end up with all the sensitive guys :huh:

    No, you just choose the wrong guys.

    Wrong? How so?

    You said you end up with the sensitive guys. The common theme is you. Look for a different type of guy who isn't really sensitive.

    Its harder to figure out than youd think....its not so much that theyre sensitive, its when they have no spine and cry more then I do...
    Again, something you can control. :tongue:
  • Jleonra
    couldn't resist




  • vaultgirlsam
    vaultgirlsam Posts: 28 Member
    I think it's sad that we don't think that taking in our emotions is part of logical thinking.
    I am also disappoint this was brought up by a female. It's just perpetuating the dividing rivalry between our gender.
    Where's the love? We all handle **** the best we can.
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    There's nothing wrong with emotions or even with being emotional. We are all emotional creatures to some degree. The key is having balance between emotion and logic and not getting carried away in either direction at the expense of the other.
  • Jleonra
    I think it's sad that we don't think that taking in our emotions is part of logical thinking.
    I am also disappoint this was brought up by a female. It's just perpetuating the dividing rivalry between our gender.
    Where's the love? We all handle **** the best we can.

    I think emotions and logical thinkig are mutually exclusive, facts and judgement can be clouded by mood and desires.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    Wow, did I ever misread this thread title.

  • CaliforniaBarbie
    CaliforniaBarbie Posts: 346 Member
    im never the overly emotional one, i enjoy logic .
  • vaultgirlsam
    vaultgirlsam Posts: 28 Member
    Wow, did I ever misread this thread title.


    *drops mic and exits stage right*
  • anemoneprose
    anemoneprose Posts: 1,805 Member
    I think it's sad that we don't think that taking in our emotions is part of logical thinking.
    I am also disappoint this was brought up by a female. It's just perpetuating the dividing rivalry between our gender.
    Where's the love? We all handle **** the best we can.

    I think emotions and logical thinkig are mutually exclusive, facts and judgement can be clouded by mood.

    logic would have no direction without emotion (ie goals. you would not care enough about thinking anything through if you weren't attached to it in some kind of emotional way, even if the emotion is excitement about an idea)
  • vaultgirlsam
    vaultgirlsam Posts: 28 Member

    NRSPAM Posts: 961 Member
    I'm not emotional during that time of the month. It's just that every annoying or a&*holish thing people do are amplified during that time! :wink:
  • anemoneprose
    anemoneprose Posts: 1,805 Member


  • Jleonra
    logic would have no direction without emotion (ie goals. you would not care enough about thinking anything through if you weren't attached to it in some kind of emotional way, even if the emotion is excitement about an idea)

    Then it becomes just "thinking", true, we need both emotional and logical thinking to function as a human being, but the minute a thought process is corrupted by emotions it stops being logical.

    Say your team is a big underdog against certain team, and you decide to bet on the game. Now your logical thinkig tells you to bet on the other team, because that gives you better odds. But your love and desire for your team to win tips the scale and you place a bet on your team disregarding your better judgement.

    You stopped being logical the minute your emotions came into the picture.

    I'm not debating the merits of one kind of thinking over the other, just saying they're mutually exclusive in their purest form, but I agree, emotions drive all of our actions, that's what make us human and not computers.
  • anemoneprose
    anemoneprose Posts: 1,805 Member
    logic would have no direction without emotion (ie goals. you would not care enough about thinking anything through if you weren't attached to it in some kind of emotional way, even if the emotion is excitement about an idea)

    Then it becomes just "thinking", true,

    exactly, thinking in a human being is almost always accompanied or directed by some mood/affect, which helps decide and energize the thinking-related goal. otherwise, your thoughts would be scattered, disorganized, or incomplete. it is emotional-type stuff that drives and sustains any kind of thinking. even when we are logical, we are emotional. the two are not opposed, exactly, because we're not computers.
    Say your team is a big underdog against certain team, and you decide to bet on the game. Now your logical thinkig tells you to bet on the other team, because that gives you better odds. But your love and desire for your team to win tips the scale and you place a bet on your team disregarding your better judgement.

    You stopped being logical the minute your emotions came into the picture.

    it's true that lots of the stupid things we do are related to unfortunate emotions. there are also fortunate emotions, like those that bind us to other people, let us care for them, drive us to achieve (or compete). some of those have been thought of as gendered, i agree with someone above that they are not, so much, and that's a whole other thing and not a discussion i really want to get into because my emotions will probably lead me to say something extreme.
    I'm not debating the merits of one kind of thinking over the other, just saying they're mutually exclusive in their purest form, but I agree, emotions drive all of our actions, that's what make us human and not computers.

    yeah we mostly on the same page that way except for the hair i'm splitting, my emotion = pleased
  • vtmoon
    vtmoon Posts: 3,436 Member
    This is about to get emotional, up in here.