so frustrated!!!!

hey everyone. I am having a hard time with losing the last week. I was doing really great, and then all the sudden my weightloss just stopped. I have tried "shocking" my body, and it does nothing. I actually gained a pound over night. Im frustrated and am wondering what is the point? I eat healthy stopped drinking soda, drink my water and NOTHING! I am nursing my one month old if that matters, but i don't know why it would make me gain. If anyone has some advice i would really appreciate it alot! thanks!


  • dumb_blondes_rock
    dumb_blondes_rock Posts: 1,568 Member
    Be patient. If you are doing everything you are supposed to, then you have nothing to truely worry about. You might just be retaning water....before you know it you might drop a few pounds instead of just one.
  • steph_armstrong
    Hang in there. Your body just probably needs to "catch up" to itself with all the healthy changes you have made. Keep up the great work.
  • LKissam
    LKissam Posts: 44 Member
    Also nursing your baby makes you retain water, so that you can produce enough milk. The baby is growing and so you will be making more milk to keep the baby fed so you will probably gain a little weight from that as well. While you are nursing, depending on how much weight you have left to lose you should try to just maintain your weight for a while. :o)
  • kendra1976
    kendra1976 Posts: 90 Member
    We all have times when we don't lose. It's normal. Take a deep breath and keep doing what you are doing. Stick with it!

    Since you are breastfeeding, you should be drinking tons of water. The pound you gained could be water weight. I bet you will see a loss very soon.

    This is a lifestyle change.. remember it took us a while to gain the weight, it will take a while to lose it.
  • owno9700
    owno9700 Posts: 24
    Nursing the 1 month old definately matters; your body is experiencing all kinds of hormonal changes that are associated with returning from a pregnancy state in addition to the demands of breast feeding. At this point, I wouldn't worry too much about "shocking" your body, your body is still in recovery mode from the pregnancy and delivery. Continue doing what you are doing, the weight will start to drop again. What are you doing for exercise? I know it is difficult to get out and about when you have a newborn, but if you can get out a couple of times a day for a 20 min. walk each time or even invest in some DVD's that will assist you in toning and firming (i.e. pilates). After I had my second son, I found the weight didn't come off as easily as with my first son, but I did try to walk everyday and then once I had healed and I had a little more flexibility, I started doing some biking. It was at this point that I really started to lose.
    Don't throw in the towel, give yourself time to recuperate and keep doing what you're doing!
  • raelbee
    raelbee Posts: 219
    I haven't looked at your food diary, but the first question that pops to mind is "Are you eating enough?" A nursing mom needs to add 300-500 calories to her daily caloric goal. Breastfeeding is a lot of work for your body, make sure you are eating enough to nourish that activity.

    If you aren't eating enough, your body may be hanging on to the weight to make sure that you are able to produce enough milk. It seems counter intuitive, but eating more (of the right foods) will help you lose weight, and keep your milk supply at a healthy level.

    Congrats on the new baby, and the breastfeeding success :) The weight will come off. Keep eating healthy and do something active everyday.
  • khk2010
    khk2010 Posts: 451 Member
    Nursing uses a lot of calories. Be sure you are eating enough to lose! I wouldn't worry about the weight. Enjoy your newborn. The weight will come off.
  • dawnrenee
    Hun, your doing fine. You just had a baby, so it will take some time to loose that "baby weight". When I had my son, I dropped from 180 to 140 over night (C-section), but within a couple weeks I put most of it back on. My body needed the fat storage to heal and protect me.

    My favorite advice to give to people is not to get stuck on the stupid scale fluxes too much....for various reason, more so for women than men. What you should do is 1 or both of my following suggestion...

    1) Use a sewers tape measure...a cloth one. One a note card, jot down the date, than list the areas you want to loose inches/tone up....waist, hips, upper arm, thigh, chest, etc. Than measure those place. I believe waist is down at or 1 inch above your belly button. Measure thigh and arm at about midway point. Hips I believe are at the widest point. **********if somebody here knows how to measure more correctly please let us know, i can't remember the website I found to do it**************

    2) Have a trusted friend or spouse take pictures of you in 3 postions...front, back, and one side (or both). Wear gym shorts & halter bra (naked if your brave and want an unobstructed view of your body...obviously, don't share publicly...just you & spouse). Put hair in pony tail. Your aiming to expose as much of your body as you can feel comfortable with. Once taken...DATE THEM!! Than every 30-60 days, have the pictures taken again, in the same positions and with similar clothing...Date them also.

    What's great about this method is you get to see for yourself those areas getting improvement and what ones need to be targeted more. It's hard to see improvements sometimes in the mirror cuz you can see everything and your a little more self conscious about examining yourself. With pictures your a little more relaxed and even more open and/or constructively critical...but NOT in a bad way.

    Don't look at it as "weight loss", look at is as "healthy lifestyle"...."loosing inches"....."loosing dress sizes"....."toning up". "Weight loss" has such a stigmata on it that most people immediately start feeling defeated...find a more up lifting phrase that works for you!