Been gone a year takes one person, one sentence, one make it hit you like a ton of bricks.

I've slipped, and fallen directly on my big ole butt..and I didn't think I'd ever get up. I'm pretty sure I've regain all that I had lost. I would not be at all surprised if I was back up Higher than ever. (will weigh in tomorrow am and update faithfully)

I've been afraid to weigh myself. I eat well, I log...and then I blow it, huge. I havent been moving properly either. So many excuses since last sept when my girlie was so sick. All down hill from there.

It stops here. Right this minute(she says after downing a dq blizzard) It must stop. I must take the time to take care of ME. My birthday gift to myself...that I need to give myself every day. The time is now, every minute of every day. I will make choices that I know I should be making. I will take care of me, become a better me. I will be here to see more grandchildren born, great grandchildren even. Now Right now

Anyone looking for a new, supportive, needing support, 44 yr young, mom to 4, Grammy to1 friend...add me up :)


  • Rokikio79
    Rokikio79 Posts: 23 Member
    You and I are on the same boat! But it shouldn't stop us from getting back on and accomplishing our goals. Welcome back!
  • bridgie101
    bridgie101 Posts: 817 Member
    Add me, I'm a 43 yr old with about the same amount to lose. :)
  • Arbelina
    Arbelina Posts: 102 Member
    Hej, still space in the boat? I am at the end of my first week back now - moderately moving "outdoor" fan and teenie mom, dreaming to loose about 10 kg - support is always good, feel free to add!