Emotional eating

Hi guys

I just broke up with my boyfriend of 4.5 years because I found out that he was cheating on me for the entire time we were together. As you can imagine I'm devastated and I can't help but turn to food. I'm in a new city where I know absolutely no one so going out with friends is not even an option. How does one stop emotional eating?


  • bridgie101
    bridgie101 Posts: 817 Member
    Hi guys

    I just broke up with my boyfriend of 4.5 years because I found out that he was cheating on me for the entire time we were together. As you can imagine I'm devastated and I can't help but turn to food. I'm in a new city where I know absolutely no one so going out with friends is not even an option. How does one stop emotional eating?

    maybe have nothing in the house. maybe think about your future. It might look grim now but it does get better. Meanwhile visualise the future you want, think about what you have to do to get there, and take care of yourself.

    If the depression is extreme go and tell your doctor. :)
  • First of all I'm so sorry, what a jerk.
    Second, I can literally write a book about eating my emotion.
    I really can't tell you what to do to prevent it besides maybe seek professional help, maybe to talk about it will help you.
    But every time I get depressed, I search for other things that make me happy except food.
    Try maybe exercise to let go of your frustration.
    Hope it helps, good luck
  • mmipanda
    mmipanda Posts: 351 Member
    Sounds like a massive jerk. 4.5years is a crazy long time but just remember, you're better off without him :flowerforyou:

    When I'm feeling rubbish I retreat to my room and spend hours watching Netflix or playing xbox. Try 'binging' on something like New Girl or Orange is the New Black, rather than food?

    Also if its pent up frustration and rage you're feeling, hit the treadmill and burn through it.
  • fitkate80
    fitkate80 Posts: 38 Member
    I'm also an emotional eater. But, exercising it out helps too. Just think of how awesome you'll feel being in your best shape. That said - I still have the problem of exercising and then eating so I'm no help ;)

    I'm sorry to hear about your X. What a jerk, indeed!
  • susanrechter
    susanrechter Posts: 386 Member
    Ditto that, mmipanda!
  • toaster6
    toaster6 Posts: 703 Member
    Maybe go to the gym and hit something. Or just find someone to talk to. Or hey, get all dressed up and go out just to have some fun. Make new friends in your new home :D Either way, I hope you feel better hun. Someone that treats you like that isn't worth the time you spend hurting for them.
  • corticomills
    corticomills Posts: 1 Member
    If I absolutely must eat to make myself feel better I try to eat things like frozen banana (kind of a replacement for ice cream) or rice crisps (replaces chips) still looking for a suitable replacement for chocolate (no luck). I also try to think about how whenever I binge eat it doesn`t really taste as good as I hope it will anyway. I also keep a box of keepsakes from people that made me feel good about myself (like compliments, encouragement or a list of goals I have accomplished already to remind me how awesome I am).

    Think about what you like about yourself and remind yourself how short sighted your ex was to risk losing you for some tawdry affair. I am happily married right now, but when I ended my last (crappy) relationship I found it really useful to do math in my head when I was feeling `too`` much... it sounds crazy, but it worked for me.

    Most of all, if you try and you fail don`t give up, you never run out of chances to try again.
  • I got the book "50 ways to soothe yourself without food". helped me A LOT
  • I joined the Overeaters Annoymous, They talk about not eating foods that can trigger you to eat more, give suggestions of what to do when your emotions are yanked way up high and you feel like wanting to eat... They helped me learn not to eat when feeling so emotional. I have lost some weight as well by following the steps.
  • Mama530
    Mama530 Posts: 605 Member
    I'm a gi-normous emotional eater. The only way I can do it is to only keep healthy food in the house. When I keep berries in the freezer and carrots in the fridge, I do so much better.