
owno9700 Posts: 24
edited September 21 in Health and Weight Loss
I know I'm not the only one out there that has to deal with this, but I would love to know how everyone copes!! I do not get PMS in the sense of moodiness, etc. What I do get is an absolutely ravenous appetite; not necessarily for chocolate or salt, but just for food in general. I have found it really tough this week to stay within my calories because I am hungry all of the time. I've been eating small meals throughout the day rather than the traditional 3 meals, but I'm still hungry......and before anyone asks, yes, each meal has lots of substance. Even when I'm full I still seem to want to keep eating........although I don't!!
Does anyone else experience this and if do you manage your appetite?


  • dumb_blondes_rock
    dumb_blondes_rock Posts: 1,568 Member
    I heard from a friend that they read that a woman burns 350 extra calories when she is mentsrating, thus the reason we feel more hunger. This last period i had i wanted like a 24 oz steak,...and i haven't had red meat since march....that was really hard for me...I kept seeing commercials on tv for hamburgers or juicy i came on here instead of watching tv...or i would watch tv at the computer chair and during commercials would just read recent posts and whatnot. Think to yourself it will be over in a few days:)
  • Clew
    Clew Posts: 910 Member
    I'm with you - I go into what I call "billygoat mode" - I just nosh on everything if I don't realllllly reign myself in! I do my best to keep myself in check, but I tend to let myself eat a little more than usual during that time ... a few days won't totally derail me and it adds a lot of comfort :wink: .
  • RachSuzanne
    RachSuzanne Posts: 74 Member
    I was exactly this way yesterday! And If you look at my food diary....ahem....I didn't even log everything. Still lost weight though. I let myself eat to an extent. I do try a little bit of control. I try to choose the best things I have in the kitchen.

    This is the exact reason I keep TONS of low cal snackage around. Also, do something to keep yourself busy during those slight times when you aren't consumed by the need for food. Yesterday I took a 30 minute epsome salt bath.

    I feel your hunger.

    Good luck.
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