A Week in the Red

I am looking for some words of support. I am having the worst food week since I started tracking in April. Literally, as I write this I am sitting with a friend in a cafe where we each ate half of a ginormous grilled cheese. Weirdly, in the past few weeks, it's actually been a struggle for me to eat enough calories on the daily. I'd have days where I was 200-300 calories under, so I have to remind myself to eat a healthy snack. This week I've been craving all the the things I've been so good at avoiding: refined flour, sugar, desserts, excessive amounts of cheese. I've gone over my calories every day since Tuesday. Normally, I'd chalk it up to hormones and a bad week and get right back on track. But tomorrow I'm leaving for a few days for a trip with my family, and I know that there's going to be temptations all around. For goodness sake, we're getting Italian sandwiches on the way there! I'm terrified of gaining back even a couple of ounces, but it seems inevitable. I could definitely use some community support!


  • evilscotsman83
    evilscotsman83 Posts: 17 Member
    I know exactly how you feel. though ive had a bad month now :(
    ive lost about 35lbs since last september but recently since i started a new job ive slowly gone back to my old ways. starting this weekend im going to get back on my fitness regime. feeling pretty annoyed with myself.
    going to do some spin classes and weight training. i hope you get the motivation to kick on again :)
    you can do it!
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    sounds like restricting too much last week has made you want to eat all the food this week!