SAHMs 8/2 - 8/8

We are a group of FABULOUS sahm's who are committed to our good health goals. We are informal but do challenge each other too. and we totally get the unique roles we play and the struggles that follow in trying to get fit and take care of our families and homes. :) come join the conversation at any time. we welcome newcomers!


  • Tandksmommy10
    Hi there,

    I"m new to MFP, and just happened to catch the title of this group on my homepage. I'm a SAHM and have been for the past 5 years. My son is almost 5, and my daughter will be 3. I struggle with finding time to get in exercise when I've got kids with me 24/7. It makes it even harder when my husband works 2nd shift. But, I'm hoping that this group can help me get ideas of how you manage it all, and stay on track! Noone understands like another SAHM! :)

  • Vanessa1977
    I am a SAHM as well, and my children are with me 95% of the time the 5% of time I have alone I never want to excersise, I want it to be as quiet as possible and unwind.
    So I have to find ways to be create to get physical activity in while I am with my children. I am fortunate enough that my son is 14yo and I can leave him with his sister while I take walks around the block, another reason why I do my walks in 15 min increments, 3x a day.
  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    Welcome everyone!

    Vanessa-I totally understand that the last thing on your mind is exercise when you have down time. My 14yo can never be left alone. He cannot be trusted, so I have to take him with me. SO when I do have a few moments to myself, I use my exercise as my unwinding down time. My time to think and meditate.

    Stacey- She's an Australian Shepard.

    Trish- I have tried taking her on 2 mile runs, but she definitely needs to learn to be on the leash a little more and build more endurance. Also not do 100% doggy stuff, like not stopping and sniffing every 2 feet!:laugh:

    MIL is finally gone- PHEW! Our lives can get back to normal!
  • KatieM7
    KatieM7 Posts: 588 Member
    Welcome Amy and Vanessa! SAHM mom no matter what part in your children's life can always relate.

    Trish~I hope Grace gets over the crappy crud soon! :smile:

    Stacey~We give 10% every time we get paid and then when we can we give above that 10%. We believe that the 10% is what we owe the Lord for all that he gives to us and like what Trish said it is because of him that we have all that we have. :smile: Hope that you can find something that feels right to you.

    Nicole~I am sure it is a relief that she is gone. I am really glad that my MIL is not one that really likes to come to visit for long times like that. She will only come to visit for a few hours and then leave. When she lived out of state she never came to visit and now that she moved to the same state she has only been over one time. :wink: I can only handle her in small amounts of time but my hubby it's even less then I can handle her. :laugh:

    Well my goal for this week is get enough water every day and to workout at least 2 times this week. I might just have to start doing it on my own since the workout buddy is struggling with it. Either that or I guess I need to start being pushy again. :laugh: Well my stress here has finally lifted some so my life should be getting back to "normal"...whatever that is.:wink: Hope you all have a wonderful week and stay strong. I will check in later.
  • princessleia1980
    princessleia1980 Posts: 81 Member
    Hi everyone!

    Well I am back from the camping trip and didn't do too well. I started writing down and keeping track of calories and we went for an extra long bike ride on the first day burning a bunch of calories, but alas it wasn't going to last! Consequently I ate crap all week, felt crap all week and am back up 4lbs that I had worked SO hard to get off. Really peed off with myself, but determined that I can undo it all now that the summer hols are here and I can relax a little and get some walks and bike rides inbetween the rain!

    Welcome to all the new people! I agree that nobody understands better than another SAHM!

    My goal is to follow my plan! Stick to calories and get as active as possible! I have dug out the swim card and costume, and have convinced hubby that I should go one or two evenings a week while the kids are in bed. I might even cycle there one time!
  • sherri79eaton
    sherri79eaton Posts: 34 Member
    He Everyone! I am also a SAHM of four kids ages 7,5,4, and 10 months! I also watch two other kids ages 6 and 2, four days a week! I also homeschool my own children! It is tough finding time to exercise, I actually find that my children have fun working out with videos with me! I live in a small town so there is now gym to join unfortunately! but I am getting it done and its good for my kids to see me exercising, it encourages them to do it also!
  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    welcome Sherri!

    KAtie- I am glad your stress has calmed down!

    Princess- That's ok, don't be hard on yourself, your human!

    Overall I had a nice day, with only minor bumps...teenagers...*sigh*
  • curliegirl
    curliegirl Posts: 191
    Welcome Sheri, Amy & Vanessa! Glad you've join us! Post away!

    Sheri--I homeschool our monsters too! I am down to 3 this year(14,11, & 8) as we graduated one in May.

    Feeling really cruddy tonight. Did pretty well w/ eating but I have a horrible cold & it is making me miserable. Lots of echinacea & Vit C but it isn't doing much yet.

    Stacey--we are like most here. Give 10% to start & then more if there is a need that God places in our path. Ministries like missionaries, a child in Haiti, orphanage, etc.

    Princess I always do awful when we go out of town. Just get back to what you were doing & don't give up!

    I am quitting for the day & taking my sick self to bed.

  • saraegentry
    saraegentry Posts: 81 Member
    Hey girls! This is exactly the kind of group I need :) Seriously, no one understands you more than another sahm! :)

    My name is Sara, and I'm 25. I'm a sahm to two little girls- my oldest just turned 2, and my youngest is 10 1/2 months. They're 13 1/2 months apart. I've almost lost ALL my baby weight. I still had a bunch to lose when I got pregnant again, so I had LOTS to lose when I had my youngest. I was 192 when I got pregnant, so just 1/2 lb left :) But, I was working on losing weight when I 1st got pregnant almost 3 years ago, so I'm working on the rest now.
  • katapple
    katapple Posts: 1,108 Member
    Wow! Welcome to all the new girls! I am back, sooner than expected, we just couldn't live without internet that long! LOL

    My name is Katie, and I have two boys, 4 and 2. We just moved from OK to OH last week thanks to the USAF :)

    I haven't been tracking or even exercising regularly for two weeks, but I managed to lose a pound! Very happy about that with all the eating out I have done while traveling! We are going to Atlanta this weekend for 5 or so days. Hopefully I can still get some exercise in there. MIL has an elliptical, so in case it's too hot (which it probably will be down there) run outside. We are LOVING Ohio so far! Coming from smalltown, USA where the only place to shop was Walmart, to having everything within 5 minutes of my house has been so amazing! And we are loving the weather, the boys have spent every day all day outside since we've been here. Love the house, and the neighbors are so nice! I'm just loving it! :) Oh and had my first run the other day here, it was

    Anyway, I'm back for a bit, I'll check in as often as I can in between unpacking boxes!
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    yay katie! glad your move is working out so well. makes the change that much easier. :)

    welcome to the new ladies! this is a GREAT group! they've helped me learn so much--and not just about losing weight. :)

    i did my leslie walk today--4mi. boy cried for the first 25min of it---i want candy! i want mints! i want more marshmallows! .......

    tomorrow, i drive to CA with oldest to take her to overnight camp. so i'll chk back on Friday.
    she has finished 4th grade and will go to the nearby PUBLIC school this fall. we'll just have to see how it goes--if the teacher can make the accommodations and if the class size isn't too hard for dd to deal with.

    missing dd2's K farewell program, but hubby will tape it. she is so EXCITED!!!

    and thanks to all you ladies who answered the charity question. you gave me good ways to think of it, of finding our right level.

    nicole, glad you get back to "regular" life. and princess leia--that is part of the process. learning how to make this work at home and on the road.
    i was 5# away from my goal last october--and since february, have really been sliding. i am still figuring out how to get back on the road to success--and stay on it.

    alright--will chk back soon. enjoy the week!
  • saraegentry
    saraegentry Posts: 81 Member
    question- is there thread memory here? is there some way for me to go straight to the last post I haven't read?
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    from main page, click community, then "my topics" which is an orange carrot in that row

    oooohhhhh. no.
  • Tandksmommy10
    Katie- Welcome to the northern states! I'm in PA and I can't imagine living anywhere else. Though, I live in the country- I can't imagine living in a city with things so close. I'm not a city girl at all.

    As I said before, I'm with my kids 24/7 and they are quite the handful. Today, I have a GYN appointment, and sadly- I can't wait! I get that time to myself with no kids hanging on me, crying, demanding things and no rushing! LOL. Who would have thought I'd look forward to a GYN appointment! Afterwards, I think I'm going to go down to the park and do a few laps on the walking track.
  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    Good luck on your trip Stacey!

    welcome T and K's mommy! Where do you live in PA? I used to live outside of Lancaster.

    hmmmmm......we are still not pregnant, so I went to the doc yesterday and we are trying this cycle thing to see if I can get my cycles regular.
  • Tandksmommy10
    Good luck on your trip Stacey!

    welcome T and K's mommy! Where do you live in PA? I used to live outside of Lancaster.

    hmmmmm......we are still not pregnant, so I went to the doc yesterday and we are trying this cycle thing to see if I can get my cycles regular.

    My mom lives in Lancaster. :) I live farther north though, about 2.5 hours north near Bloomsburg.

    Aww, sorry to hear that you're not pregnant. Hopefully the doctor will be able to help get your cycle regular and it will happen for you. Makes me jealous- I want another.
  • KatieM7
    KatieM7 Posts: 588 Member
    question- is there thread memory here? is there some way for me to go straight to the last post I haven't read?

    Towards the top of the page it says home recent posts my topics signature on search and type in SAHM and then click send and it will bring up a bunch of posts for that topic if you want a certain week then you can type in that week like for last weeks you would type SAHM 7/26-8/1 and it should bring it up for you to read those posts for that week. Hope that helps.

    Katie~Glad that you got moved and that you are liking it so much.

    Nicole~Sorry to hear that you are having troubles getting pregnant. I hope that what ever it is that you guys are going to try does the trick to help you!

    This week has relatively benn a boring non eventful week here. It has been kind of nice in that regards. I haven't done as well I as I would like to on my water and I am on target for the exercise.
  • Tandksmommy10
    Yesterday the kids and I went with my husbands cousin and his wife, plus their kids to the amusement park that's local. I was scared to death to be there, because I knew it was nothing but fried food. I was pleasantly suprised when I realized that white pizza with broccoli was an option. Of course, the crust was a ton of calories, but since it had no sauce or ricotta on it, I saved some cals. Has to be better then deep fried pierogies or fries. I got in a veggie..haha.

    Tonight is the cake and ice cream festival, so I'll probably stick to 1 scoop of ice cream and water. Then, I'll go over and walk the track.
  • saraegentry
    saraegentry Posts: 81 Member
    good luck at the ice cream festival! I have the hardest time at stuff like that. It's so much easier to eat healthy when it's not right in front of you!

    The thread memory that I was talking about is a button you can click that will take you to the last unread post within a thread. I don't think this site has that. Bummer. I found the link that will take you to the last post, so that's better than having to guess which page we're on.
  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    hey everyone! Today I am taking hte kids to the county fair....should be interesting!

    Tand K- Did you go to Knoebels? We always loved it there! We would take the kids every 4th of July and had a blast!As for the ice cream, I am send you strength!!!!!!