Co worker DRAMA - Post your tales of work horror!

Recently one of the women i work with ..threw me under the bus. She is 60 years old..from new york and all she does is scream about how she hates people and our boss. She does it infront of customers too.

One of the other female coworkers got caught having a trist with a male customer...the gu ywas banned from the store and she got in trouble. Still has her job though. Recently she found out that another female coworker is dating a customer...which is forbidden. She told the 60 year old women and she told me about it. Well I already knew and i dont liek to egt involved so i never said anything to anyone about it. I said to her " yeah so what of it? "

She went to my boss and ratted out the girl and blamed me. She said i was the one who told her.. All because she is friends with the girl who really told her. So .. needless to say I got a ****ed up call from my boss about it. I didnt ever tell my boss the truth about her lying because i felt like it would cause more problems.. i mean the girl who originally got in trouble wasnt fired and she had sex on the job. I highly down me telling them they lied to her would help..they would just mess with me everday..

so anywho..this woman is supposed to coming into work today...and I dont know what to do. I want to confront her but i feel like it would be a bad idea. I jsut want to know why the hell she would thrown me under the bus when her friend is the one who originally told her?

I never talk/ hang out with anyone at work because they all do this ****.

Serriously? what would you do? Its so i feel liek a used tampon


  • RhineDHP
    RhineDHP Posts: 1,025 Member
    Wow that's rough. Well its really a play up of if you want more drama in your life because of this women, who seems to be the town gossip.

    But I dunno, since you have to continue to work with her maybe you should take her aside and have a private conversation about how you felt when she incorrectly blamed you for something she had no business getting involved in anyway.