What do you do about muscle soreness?



  • JustinJoanknecht
    JustinJoanknecht Posts: 17 Member
    Your first few weeks of regular weight training will give you big bad DOMS (delayed onset muscle soreness) - and, if anything, the 2nd or 3rd day after can be even worse! Lots of good advice here from other peeps and for me, I've found the following:-

    lots of water
    lots of sleep
    stretch after as much as possible
    post exercise massage
    gentle cardio the day after helps but you must be gentle and ideally low impact (swimming, cycling etc)
    ensure enough protein in diet, if not supplement with shakes etc

    but most of all, you kinda get to like the pain in a strange way, cos you know it means a) you worked out! and b) you will get stronger!

    good luck
  • bcf7683
    bcf7683 Posts: 1,653 Member
    ...welcome to the reason that 80% of lifters dread leg day (guesstimate-yes I know some people LOVE leg day...). The good news is if you're consistent with your lifting the soreness decreases each week you do it.
    The first time I did standing calf raises on a box/smith, I literally couldn't walk without looking like a turkey- I couldn't flatten my feet the whole way because my calves were in such agony (luckily I work at a desk...). But now, I do that lift twice a week and I get slight to mild soreness at the worst.

    Things that will help:
    -Most importantly (I think, at least): STRETCH after your workouts. And do it correctly. I spend about 10-15 minutes after my workouts stretching because I don't want to feel like a dry-rotted rubber band the next day.
    -Foam roll. I foam roll before I workout if I'm feeling certain muscles that are particularly tight/sore. If you're unfamiliar with it, Google it. Do it.
    -Drink water. LOTS of water. Seriously.
    -Be patient and consistent. It won't be this bad every time you do it. I use that as motivation to not skip time in the gym because I know I'll get the beginner soreness all over again if I take too much time off. I hate being sore.
  • tararoach40
    tararoach40 Posts: 13 Member
    HGHpro from Ai Sports Nutrition!! You take it before bed && not only does it give you AMAZINGGGGG sleep =]] it makes me not sore the next day!! I don't work out easy either: 6 times a week - 30-40 min stair mill followed by boot camp, followed by heavy lifting routine!! I don't wake up sore anymore ;)
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,901 Member
    I embrace it knowing I busted my *kitten* a day or two before. Comes with the territory.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness industry for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • bcf7683
    bcf7683 Posts: 1,653 Member
    Thanks for the replies everyone :-) Im not new to squats, iI just did them more as part of circuit training before and not very often as a complete routine. I wasn't even this sore when I did Trouble Zones.
    I believe I'll have to try the Arnica oil and Ibuprofen. Thanks! I don't know if i can find a foam roller though. And and as much as I want to do my kickboxing routine today, lifting my legs is kind of hard too.Its strange because this isn't the first timeIve squatted or something.

    might not be your first time squatting but if you change it- the number or weights- it affects you.

    Target carries foam rollers- same with dkcs sporting goods. probably champion or any generic sporting goods store.

    You can also get them cheap online. Check Amazon. There's a reason so many people are suggesting them. They work.
  • hookilau
    hookilau Posts: 3,134 Member
    Yoga helps....other than that...nothing. I do nothing :laugh:
    It'll pass :blushing:
  • 5ftnFun
    5ftnFun Posts: 948 Member
    Lots of great tips mentioned. Here's mine. For the ladies: if your thighs or hips are so sore that it is hard to sit down, do not wait too long to go pee. You know what I am saying? :blushing: