When to Stop?

MissNova Posts: 563 Member
edited September 21 in Health and Weight Loss
Good morning MFP!!!

Just curious I have in my mind of a number that I would like to see on the scale. The thing is this was the number I was ten years ago and I do not know if I would like to be that number just yet. How do you know when to stop your weight loss journey? How did you come up with a number on when to stop?

I am just curious as how everyone else is doing it. I do not want to fall short of my goal because I like another weight better! Please help! Gracias :flowerforyou:


  • I chose my goal by looking at what the BMI chart says is the healthy weight range for my height. Once I get close to that goal, I'm going to assess what I look like and what I feel like. When I'm happy, I will go in an readjust my goal weight and move to the maintenance stage. Best wishes.
  • MissNova
    MissNova Posts: 563 Member
    I chose my goal by looking at what the BMI chart says is the healthy weight range for my height. Once I get close to that goal, I'm going to assess what I look like and what I feel like. When I'm happy, I will go in an readjust my goal weight and move to the maintenance stage. Best wishes.

    Thank you! That is what I was thinking. I want to be healthy so I guess I told will see when I get closer to the goal what I want to do.
  • lina1131
    lina1131 Posts: 2,246 Member
    I chose a very reasonable goal of 140 for my goal weight. I have decided that once I make that goal I can decide if I want to go lower. One step at a time.
  • MissNova
    MissNova Posts: 563 Member
    I chose a very reasonable goal of 140 for my goal weight. I have decided that once I make that goal I can decide if I want to go lower. One step at a time.

    Thank you. To me it just feels like I will never there because it seems like such a long goal. I was happy with being 195 because of my figure I still look slim but I think I want to be GREAT! So with that said I will take it one step at a time like you said.
  • Lisa0711
    Lisa0711 Posts: 1,405 Member
    I chose my goal by looking at what the BMI chart says is the healthy weight range for my height. Once I get close to that goal, I'm going to assess what I look like and what I feel like. When I'm happy, I will go in an readjust my goal weight and move to the maintenance stage. Best wishes.

    This is what I'm doing too. My ending goal as of now (154) is actually the highest of what the BMI chart says I can weigh to be considered "healthy" for my height. But if I'm happy before I get there or if I get there and feel I need to lose a few more I will. It's best to just stop when you feel you're at a weight that you can maintain and that you're happy with.
  • lina1131
    lina1131 Posts: 2,246 Member
    I started exactly a year ago this month (Aug 31 to be exact) and I had 69 lbs to lose to get to my goal. I have lost 45 pounds and it has been a pretty slow ride, but worth every moment.

    Do not focus on the big picture or you will drive yourself crazy. Just remember that you are doing this to become healthy, not just to lose weight. Losing weight should be the reward of becoming healthy.

    Take it day by day, make good decisions, enjoy yourself, and treat yourself every once in a while. You will make your goal and you will feel so much better! You can do it :heart:
  • MissNova
    MissNova Posts: 563 Member
    I chose my goal by looking at what the BMI chart says is the healthy weight range for my height. Once I get close to that goal, I'm going to assess what I look like and what I feel like. When I'm happy, I will go in an readjust my goal weight and move to the maintenance stage. Best wishes.

    This is what I'm doing too. My ending goal as of now (154) is actually the highest of what the BMI chart says I can weigh to be considered "healthy" for my height. But if I'm happy before I get there or if I get there and feel I need to lose a few more I will. It's best to just stop when you feel you're at a weight that you can maintain and that you're happy with.

    Ok great. I started at 253 and I want to get to 175 because I would feel healthier and I feel it would not be the same being that weight like before because this time around I plan to be 175 and toned. I will see how it goes though. Thank you!
  • lisawest
    lisawest Posts: 798 Member
    My first goal was my high school/college weight. I hit that weight, and (because I'm not as active as I was back then) it didn't look as good on my as I'd hoped. After doing a little figuring, I found that at my HS weight, I found my BMI was still overweight and if I lost 11 more pounds I would be at the top of "normal". BMI is not the be all end all (by ANY means!!!) of what you should weigh, but it was a good starting point for me. I've always heard that the last 10 lbs are the hardest to lose. I've been fighting the last 5lbs, so I'm thinking I am very close now!

    Sorry, nothing scientific here. When I reach my new goal, I will reevaluate. Currently I'm not much liking how my muscle tone is looking, so I'm thinking that I will start concentrating on muscle tone and strength. Hopefully that will help with the weight loss, also.

    Hope this helped!
  • I came up with my weight because it is my pre-marriage weight and the weight I was after my first baby I know they say you don't always suppose to be a certain weight that we have in our minds but for me that's the weight I want to be or atleastI think I do. The more I get down and start to see myself if Iget to a place where I feel comfortable and Ilike what I see then I will stay there but for now I am on a mission to be 135!!
  • MissNova
    MissNova Posts: 563 Member
    I started exactly a year ago this month (Aug 31 to be exact) and I had 69 lbs to lose to get to my goal. I have lost 45 pounds and it has been a pretty slow ride, but worth every moment.

    Do not focus on the big picture or you will drive yourself crazy. Just remember that you are doing this to become healthy, not just to lose weight. Losing weight should be the reward of becoming healthy.

    Take it day by day, make good decisions, enjoy yourself, and treat yourself every once in a while. You will make your goal and you will feel so much better! You can do it :heart:

    Thank you so much!!!! That means a lot to me to all the support!
  • MissNova
    MissNova Posts: 563 Member
    My first goal was my high school/college weight. I hit that weight, and (because I'm not as active as I was back then) it didn't look as good on my as I'd hoped. After doing a little figuring, I found that at my HS weight, I found my BMI was still overweight and if I lost 11 more pounds I would be at the top of "normal". BMI is not the be all end all (by ANY means!!!) of what you should weigh, but it was a good starting point for me. I've always heard that the last 10 lbs are the hardest to lose. I've been fighting the last 5lbs, so I'm thinking I am very close now!

    Sorry, nothing scientific here. When I reach my new goal, I will reevaluate. Currently I'm not much liking how my muscle tone is looking, so I'm thinking that I will start concentrating on muscle tone and strength. Hopefully that will help with the weight loss, also.

    Hope this helped!

    Thanks, I would like to see how I would look because then I was not toned just slimmer. I just hope and pray I do make this goal weight or at least close it seems so far away!
  • faithstephenson
    faithstephenson Posts: 280 Member
    For me, I have been so overweight for so long, that I don't really know what I'll lool like when I get near my goal. I really had no idea how to set the goal. I knew I didn't want to go off of BMI, because I have a larger frame. So I picked a number that would be a significant loss (1/2 my starting weight) and is lower than I've been since I was in high school. When I get there, I'll look at my numbers, my pant size, how I look in pictures, as well as getting opinions from a few people I really trust. If at that point I feel that a lower number is a good idea, I'll make that decision. But for now, 150 is my goal (I'm 5'3"). I might go to 140, but doubt I'll go much lower due to my frame.
  • MissNova
    MissNova Posts: 563 Member
    I came up with my weight because it is my pre-marriage weight and the weight I was after my first baby I know they say you don't always suppose to be a certain weight that we have in our minds but for me that's the weight I want to be or atleastI think I do. The more I get down and start to see myself if Iget to a place where I feel comfortable and Ilike what I see then I will stay there but for now I am on a mission to be 135!!

    See I understand, to me it is also where I feel comfortable because everyone is different, thanks for the advice.
  • MissNova
    MissNova Posts: 563 Member
    For me, I have been so overweight for so long, that I don't really know what I'll lool like when I get near my goal. I really had no idea how to set the goal. I knew I didn't want to go off of BMI, because I have a larger frame. So I picked a number that would be a significant loss (1/2 my starting weight) and is lower than I've been since I was in high school. When I get there, I'll look at my numbers, my pant size, how I look in pictures, as well as getting opinions from a few people I really trust. If at that point I feel that a lower number is a good idea, I'll make that decision. But for now, 150 is my goal (I'm 5'3"). I might go to 140, but doubt I'll go much lower due to my frame.

    You see I think I remember how I looked but I have always been chubby and thick so it will be hard for me to really figure it out now since I am older and of course it could be different. Thanks.
  • Hello,
    For me I'm just trying to get to my healthy weight which they say is between 154-169.
    So for me I just picked a number in between those 2.
    There are alot of places online that can help you figure out what your healthy weight is.
  • MissNova
    MissNova Posts: 563 Member
    For me I'm just trying to get to my healthy weight which they say is between 154-169.
    So for me I just picked a number in between those 2.
    There are alot of places online that can help you figure out what your healthy weight is.

    Oh ok, thanks. Even when I reach 175 I will be considered overweight.
  • vencellia
    vencellia Posts: 89 Member
    By going with the bmi and choosing a healthy weight for me. I always give or take 5 pounds because with women we hold fluids especially when T.O.M. visits. Chose what you are comfortable with!
  • EboniA
    EboniA Posts: 181 Member
    This first time I did this (8 years ago before kids), the charts said I should aim for 140. I am 5'7" but I didn't know any better. I thought getting to my driver's license number of 150 would be great. When I hit 165, I seriously plateaued and bounced around 160-165. When I couldn't go any lower, I stopped. Now that I'm at 210, I would LOVE 165!! I'm still not sure that will be my ending number though. I could live the rest of my life eating and exercising the way I am now so "stopping" is not really in my head. Eventually my body will stop losing though.

    Another point is that I just now (yesterday) gave away my skinny clothes from that prior weight loss. After 2 kids, I don't think my body will fit those clothes the same. Besides, I was in my 20s and probably wouldn't wear those styles again.
  • stormieweather
    stormieweather Posts: 2,549 Member
    Mostly, I don't care about the number on the scale. I know what I want to feel and look like. Since I gained weight, I'm not as bouncy or energetic as I used to be and I miss that. My hips and knees hurt from carrying my weight around and I don't like that. And although I'm wearing size 8's, I do not like the way they look on me (lumpy). So, I'm focusing more on reshaping my figure and getting healthy than I am on weight loss, although I am also eating at a deficit to lose some fat (I'm at 27% right now).

    Weird...I weigh 167 pounds and wear a size 8, and 5 years ago I weighed 145 and wore a size 8. So, the pounds are not as important as the tape measure, to me.
  • MissNova
    MissNova Posts: 563 Member
    By going with the bmi and choosing a healthy weight for me. I always give or take 5 pounds because with women we hold fluids especially when T.O.M. visits. Chose what you are comfortable with!

    Thanx BFF!!! I will see whats good when I get closer.
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