Recovering from damaged metabolism, need advice.

I'm not sure if I have a damaged metabolism already but I was netting 1200 calories a day.
My BMR is 1300 and I have been undereating. Due to my hectic schedule, I lift an hour once a week and cardio for half an hour for about 4 days per week to destress. I usually burn 500cals in one lifting session and about 200-300 each cardio session depending on how intense I go and if my legs aren't that sore. I have seen many upping their calories away from the dangerous 1200 calories but I've noticed that they eat more because they workout A LOT. Like 6 days a week and really intense lifting and cardio. So I was wondering if I should up my calories too?

Sorry if this is long but I have gone from 43kg to 48kg and I'm fearful of putting on more fat onto my tummy. I've gone from a size 26 waist to a size 27. This post is similar to one of my older post but now I'm wondering if my 1200 cals have done so much damage that I can't seem to lose weight but gain fats instead? Also, how much calories should I increase my intake? I do want to be lean and strong in the long run but I'm afraid of 'bulking'.


  • PennySwimmer
    PennySwimmer Posts: 13 Member
    I don't know if that's a picture of you or a stock photo on your profile, but if it's you, you're PERFECT.

    The only questions should be - are you healthy, do you feel energetic and happy, can you do what you want to do with your life?

    Some of the people on here, quite frankly, are INSANE. Don't compare yourself with them.

    Just get on and enjoy your life. You're over-thinking. Your metabolism isn't damaged; what's at risk here is damaging your sense of perspective.
  • minizombie
    minizombie Posts: 40 Member
    Yep it's me, thank you so much you're too kind :)
    Hmm my diet is generally clean and healthy but I do wish I could eat more hehe. When I'm at a deficit I'm usually tired during my workouts so I was wondering maybe I was undereating :P
  • QuilterInVA
    QuilterInVA Posts: 672 Member
    If you don't get tired while working out, you aren't working.
  • ViktoryaC
    ViktoryaC Posts: 124 Member
    Don't undereat. You can absolutely damage your metabolism that happened to me. I maintained a 24 inch waist all through my 20's by eating under 1000 cals a day regularly. Then I turned 30, my metabolism conked out, I started eating more, and a year later, I have a 36 inch waist. Eat food. Be kind to yourself. Accept a little belly, if that's how you're built. You can make things worse in the long run.
  • Bridget28152723
    Bridget28152723 Posts: 372 Member
    You do look great!! You may have some damage, or none..but if you want to eat a little more to fuel tour workouts and arent tiredd anymore u got to check out the "Eatmore2weighless" group on MFP..they are great women and will help u get it all figured out!!
  • klaff411
    klaff411 Posts: 169 Member
    What? No. Humans are not going to "damage" their metabolism from eating too little. ****en pseudoscience is that? OP I suggest you think about it this way. In many places in the world people DO eat under 1200 calories a day. Up until VERY recent history there have always been scarcities. That is why our bodies are efficient at storing and maintaining energy as fat.

    Do what your comfortable with OP. If you want to build muscle your going to have to change to a high protein/high fat diet most likely. You will gain weight because - muscle > fat. Yes, that will require that you take in more CARBS not calories necessarily.

    BTW the reason your meta rate changes at 30 is due to the fact your aging. Not because you damaged your organs.
  • ash8184
    ash8184 Posts: 701 Member
    I damaged my metabolism too. I think lifting is helping to up my metabolism a bit, so keep that up.

    I think you're perfect too, but you definitely need to be happy with yourself. Maybe stick to what you're doing, but if you do more cardio, add more calories? IE: if I know I want to eat a slice of pizza and it doesn't fit in to my daily cals, I know I need to do an extra 30 minutes on the treadmill per slice :)

    Way to go, you look great! :)
  • minizombie
    minizombie Posts: 40 Member
    Thank you all so so much! I think I should stop over thinking and just see what works for me! I'm still relatively new to lifting because i can't seem to keep up a routine of lifting thrice a week. I shall up my calories a little and see how things go. All the best for all our goals :)

    Btw klaff411 you lost me there when you mentioned a high protein/high fat diet but you said that it'd require more carbs? Sorry i'm newbie here :P