i think i'm giving up.

mthomas25 Posts: 24 Member
edited September 21 in Motivation and Support
this weekend ate: 2 bags of swedish fish, a big bag of skittles, some chocolate chip cookies, I'm sure there's more. I feel like CRAP! I feel so down on myself. I know that I need to just jump back on, but I feel so helpless right now. i don't know what my problem is but it's manifesting itself everywhere. I have been so bad at eating healthy this weekend. so mean to my husband and a really grumpy mom. I mean really grumpy. I feel like I need some support. I need to be carried right now.


  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    Start small. Plan to eat healthy at lunch and take a short walk, even 10 minutes. Get into that routine, forget about the rest.

    Next week, add a healthy breakfast to this routine. Make the walks 15 minutes. Don't worry about dinner or snacks yet.

    The following week, try to work in a healthy morning snack. Walk 20 minutes.

    In a few short weeks, you will have accomplished making the first half of your day healthy!!!!!

    Sometimes, we can't change our life drastically all at once. It IS too big. Make small healthy steps towards a better you. Any move in the right direction will build to better us over time!!

    Don't give up. Start over again today. With lunch. :) You can achieve anything. Just use realistic time frames! :smile:
  • dumb_blondes_rock
    dumb_blondes_rock Posts: 1,568 Member
    Honestly all i can tell you to do is log everything you had, and in yoru notes write how you feel. Then when you feel like cheating again, go back tgo that day and read your emotions and see if those things are really worth feeling that way all over again. Then have a good day where you eat all healthy and you exercise, log it, and write down your thoughts and feelings.....and so again when you feel like cheating, read how good you felt when you didn't....a healthy life is not worth giving up! YOU CAN DO THIIS GIRL!
  • we've all been there. don't give up. we are here for you!
  • JustAmy
    JustAmy Posts: 291
    You only have 3 more pounds to go!! Hang in there, you can do it!!:happy: :happy:
  • NWCountryGal
    NWCountryGal Posts: 1,992 Member
    hey darlin, so glad you wrote/posted. I do that often but it takes like 3000 calories to gain a pound back. Just start fresh, like you are today. Drink lots of water to sort of flush things out and you will feel better soon. Take a little walk, maybe 15 minutes out and 15 minutes back. Push a little harder than usual:) I pigged out 6 or 700 over on Sat and the same or close on Sunday. Didn't even write all the food down:( We need you, we need eachother:) Check my diary, you will see I am way not perfect on this thing. Also, weekends are the hardest for me;) Hugs, your pal, denise

    this weekend ate: 2 bags of swedish fish, a big bag of skittles, some chocolate chip cookies, I'm sure there's more. I feel like CRAP! I feel so down on myself. I know that I need to just jump back on, but I feel so helpless right now. i don't know what my problem is but it's manifesting itself everywhere. I have been so bad at eating healthy this weekend. so mean to my husband and a really grumpy mom. I mean really grumpy. I feel like I need some support. I need to be carried right now.
  • aymetcalf
    aymetcalf Posts: 597 Member
    :flowerforyou: Listen, we've all been there. Don't let one bad weekend ruin your progress. You have done so well. You can do this!
  • hill242
    hill242 Posts: 412 Member
    The best way to regain control is to own your feelings. Admit that you made a mistake, acknowledge that everybody makes mistakes, and that letting a mistake totally derail you is not the answer. So what if you made unhealthy choices yesterday? Don't allow the choices of the past to influence your choices today. Everyone here knows that weight loss isn't easy, but we all know it's within our reach if we keep at it. I have been in your shoes, I know how it feels, but it is my belief to keep fighting for my health and not give up.
  • dont give up!! sometimes we fall off the wagon, just grab the tail end of the wagon and pull yourself up. dont throw all your hard work away on a weekend of enjoying food that you like.
  • ladytap
    ladytap Posts: 36 Member
    I know how you feel...every weekend is a big failure for me. But, I just make sure I add extra workouts during the week and eat extra clean on weekdays. I've actually found that it's not too difficult to make up for a little bit of cheating on the weekends (of course, I didn't say that..you should never cheat...blah blah blah).

    As for being grumpy, maybe that will be your motivation to not do that again next weekend. Just don't give up. You're so close to your goal and everyone has a little slip up every now and then. Once you get back in your routine this week you'll feel like your healthy happy self again :)
  • you know...........you could be almost at that time of the month.

    i know i start eating like crap, stop exercising and start being really mean to everyone i love when i'm getting near mine. JUST A THOUGHT!

    good luck! dont give up, we all have hard weekends/weeks/months/etc. you can do it! :flowerforyou:
  • Sherry1979
    Sherry1979 Posts: 457
    Oh believe me, I have had those days so many times along this journey that I have lost count. . .but the important thing is to NEVER give up!!! Just take one day at a time and think of it as what's done is done. . .we can either work to correct it or give up. . .and if we choose the "give up" option then not only will we quit losing, but more than likely be worse off than we are now. And just look at you how far you've came & how good you've already done. . .you cannot give up!!!! It shouldn't even be an option! Maybe just go back and re-read your post. . .how bad you have felt because of it, how it's made you feel grumpy & mean. . .you sure don't want to feel like that all the time which is probably what will happen if you don't just jump right back into it. One day, one meal, one choice at a time. . .it's all any of us can really do! Stay strong & don't be so down on yourself for having one bad weekend!! :heart:
  • bets326
    bets326 Posts: 1
    Do not give up!!! I allow myself to have one weekend a month where I can eat anything I want and not feel guilty. I find that on that weekend I still eat fairly healthy. But if I want to go to the movie have some popcorn, candy I can. I know that come Monday I am right back at the gym. You only have a short distance to go, there is a light at the end. Just think how you are going to feel when you do reach that final goal......
  • twyman
    twyman Posts: 4
    Been there many times. It happens. Its a journey not a challenge. Every journey has detours and roadblocks. When this happens to me, I like to evaluate if I was possibly being to aggressive. The only reason I have been able to lose 36lbs is becasue I went slow. I didn't listen to anyone except my own body. Everyone kept telling me, "you gotta start weight trng". I knew I wasn't ready so I waited. It took me 6 months and I am just now finally ready to start adding light weight trng to my routine. If you go to fast you will give up. ITs do drastic of a change. Take baby steps. 6 months of slow progression and 10lbs lost is better than going gung ho for 2 weeks, lose 5 lbs, and than quit and gain 8lbs. You sound like me. Just realize you had a bad day or weekend and start over and take it slow. It took you years to get where you are, its impossible to think you can change it in a short amount of time. Hope that helps.
  • I think it is great that you came on here and were honest, that is very hard to do, not only be honest with yourself but putting yourself out there for others to see. Fortunately you are in the right place, we have all been there. A bad weekend can really make you feel undone.

    As someone else suggested keep your goals small, so they feel manageble.

    Also keep in mind this is a journey, some days will be better then others.

    When you feel like binging or giving into one of those cravings, keep in mind not only your weight goal but how cranky, grumpy and mean you feel when you fill your body with just junk.
  • krl523
    krl523 Posts: 53
    Dont even let those words "Give up" creep into your thoughts!!! Sometimes we fall back into old ways but you can do it. Think of where you want to be in the end. Vision yourself wearing that bathing suit or just feeling good about life and your self. That is all the motivation you need. Stay encouraged
  • When you fall.you get back up,so do the same and don't look back.We've all fallen but it's important to get right back on your diet!:smile:
  • OlenaS
    OlenaS Posts: 125 Member
    Hang in there. Don't be too hard on yourself. If one of us did it and complained to you about it - would you be harsh or supportive? Be supportive to yourself :):):) This happens sometimes, it is inevitable... Don;t give up!
  • TabiHerbalifeCoach
    TabiHerbalifeCoach Posts: 691 Member
    when i feel like giving up I think, am i where i want to be, the answer is always no, ok so I can choose to give up because of this crappy weekend, and repeat the crappy weekend over and over again which I know for a FACT that its not gonna get me to my goal or i can pick myself up again and force myself to do the right thing even if i feel like crap or a failure the first few days. This is about training our minds just as much as or bodies, we push ourselves working out, you need to push your mind past these crappy thoughts.
  • mthomas25
    mthomas25 Posts: 24 Member
    I'm glad that you mentioned how much weight I have to lose to reach my goal because honestly, it's not 3 pounds anymore. It's more like 10. I need to own up to my numbers. I keep looking at my ticker and seeing it say only 3 more pounds and then I'm even more upset with myself thinking, "micaela! You were so close!!!!" I have now updated my weight and will do so every monday. I will only weigh on Monday, otherwise I'm becoming too obsessed over the numbers. Thanks for your comment!
  • mthomas25
    mthomas25 Posts: 24 Member
    when i feel like giving up I think, am i where i want to be, the answer is always no, ok so I can choose to give up because of this crappy weekend, and repeat the crappy weekend over and over again which I know for a FACT that its not gonna get me to my goal or i can pick myself up again and force myself to do the right thing even if i feel like crap or a failure the first few days. This is about training our minds just as much as or bodies, we push ourselves working out, you need to push your mind past these crappy thoughts.

    SUCH a good point! Thank you for sharing.
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