Running Questions



  • JTick
    JTick Posts: 2,131 Member
    I have to have something else on my mind. My best runs happen when I'm very upset about something or need to do a lot of thinking. Music and even being outdoors is usually not enough of a distraction.
  • alj2014
    alj2014 Posts: 3 Member
    Running can be boring, especially once you start going on longer runs. If you're anything like me, running around a track or on a treadmill is way too boring. I like to run around my neighborhood and that makes it more interesting. Check the map before you head out, but don't go with an exact route plan. Making decisions as you run gets your mind thinking about other things and may make the running more fun- even find yourself running farther than you planned. Basically I plan a general route to go, but then I'll take off on random streets so that I'm never really running by the same thing- different scenery!