back and ready to roll!

Hey all, not really new to MFP, but took a break for about 6 months as I was planning my move/wedding. Gained about 10 lbs back in that time, eak! Guess it's stress, or just that I'm not one of those lucky people who can keep weight off naturally with little effort. Anyways, it seems in that 6 months a lot of my friends jumped ship (thanks to all those who didn't!). I'm looking for some people who log pretty much daily and keep their diaries open (I like to peek for ideas). I've been off and on MFP for years as it seems to be one of the only things that keeps my honest and going, and typically log most days and love to support all my pals! Right now I am about 20 lbs from my overall goal but really just want to live a life that is happy and healthy, so numbers aren't the world to me. Please send me a note if your in the same boat.