Looking for new friends to talk to

Hi, my name is Danielle. I just moved to a university after obtaining my AA and I'm trying to get back on board with my excercising and my eating. I've had a terrible summer when it comes to my food and exercise. Now that I'm no longer living with my parents, I don't have all of their tempting foods in the house- I'm someone who can't tell themselves no, so if it's in the house, I'll eat it.

Looking for friends to talk to and help motivate each other. I've only got about 14 pounds to lose - counting what I've gained this summer :( - so I'm almost there! Also, I won't be updating my weight that often because my roommate has suffered from an eating disorder and I left my scale at home in respect of her. And because I'm trying to care more about my muscle to fat level than the number on a scale.

Feel free to send me a friend request!!!! :)