super cute walking shoes? advise?

DancingDreamer Posts: 520
edited September 21 in Fitness and Exercise
Ok so here's the thing. i've been doing SUPER good on exercise lately. walking or hiking almost every day, my BFF and i parked FAR away when we went shopping this weekend so we could walk more and we spend a long time just WANDERING around the store to get some walking in, so, like i said, i've been pretty good and yeah i feel great about it and totally want to keep this up. the only problem i have (and yes this may seem kinda shallow) is i REALLY dont like my walking shoes. THEY'RE SO WHITE AND BORING! and if you knew me i am NOT a white boring shoes kinda gal. so i wore my sandals to the store and now today my feel HURT! :c owwie.

so i was wondering if any of you knew a good brand for cute (and by that i mean bright and colorful!), good for people with high arches (bah so many cute shoes dont have arches >_<), and not TOO expensive (we're talking in the 50-70 range, over that is really not a good idea, even though i may want them!) walking shoes. i would love to be able to wear tennis shoes that go with all my bright cheery colorful clothes and dont stand out like beacons of white on my feet. i would wear them all the time then and my feet wouldnt hurt anymore! :D yayyyyy!

thanks in advance for the advise and suggestions!


  • dumb_blondes_rock
    dumb_blondes_rock Posts: 1,568 Member
    at the shoe pavillion they have CUTE running shoes....I was there with my bro, helping him pick out cute ones for him(gay guys always feel the need to have to look cute with anything they do) and i saw supppppper cute running shoes.
  • ahaha maybe i should go shopping with my favorite gay boy. thanks for the advise! i think there MAY be one of those in town...maybe its up north.....i'll look and see! :)
  • dumb_blondes_rock
    dumb_blondes_rock Posts: 1,568 Member
    I think his was pumas....but they were pretty resona ble, like 75 -90 dollars....and they have the shock support and all that fancy stuff....he got it for buy one get one half off
  • Rmeikel
    Rmeikel Posts: 35
    If you have a brand you like, that feel good, check it out online. Sometimes I can styles that I like better that are not in stock in the stores, but if I know the brand, I don't have to worry about trying everything on.
  • dang the one in town closed! :(

    ohhh and the cute Puma's usually have HORRID arch support unfortunately, i wanted this pair of them that were teal and magenta (i have the fashion sense of a rediculous gay man, its awesome XD) but when i tried them on they were completely flat! D:

    hmmm maybe i'll try shoe carnival, that place is really similar to shoe pavillion!
  • gurgi22
    gurgi22 Posts: 182 Member
    Have you tried getting cute shoes and then putting arch supports in them? Just a thought. If the cute shoes are going to get you walking, then why not buy what you want and then spend a few more bucks on some inserts.
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