Why We Overeat The Toxic Food Enviroment

Why Do We Overeat? Harvard Researchers Address Obesity And The Toxic Food Environment
A huff post video .


Tune into video capturing the conservation regarding weight gain.

As part of HuffPost Healthy Living's continued collaboration with the Harvard School of Public Health, Editorial Director Meredith Melnick joined leading experts in nutrition, public health and childhood obesity on Friday to discuss the effect our toxic food environment has on obesity, a health crisis so ubiquitous that we are simultaneously familiar with and blind to its staggering prevalence. Tune in below for highlights from the conversation.

It is not about losing weight it is about changing lifestyle that maintains a healthy weight,


  • Lichent
    Lichent Posts: 157 Member
    Thanks for the heads up on this. We have a friend who is very obese , helps us understand the cycle she is caught in and why it is so difficult to break.