NASA is looking for some healthy volunteers

TPlenge Posts: 31 Member
"70-day study to test the effectiveness of exercise on loss of muscle, bone and cardiovascular function.

NASA scientists are working to find ways to keep astronauts healthier and safer when they spend a long time in space. Head down bed rest is a good way to mimic a person traveling in space without gravity.

Head-down bed rest helps researchers study people on earth in a way that causes some of the changes the body goes through while traveling in space without gravity. This study will show how much your body, tilted down slightly with head down and feet up, for 70 days, 24-hours a day, without getting out of bed, except for limited times for specific tests, is like an astronaut’s body during the weightlessness of space flight. Watching you will help scientists learn how an astronaut’s body will change in weightlessness during space flight in the future.

Subjects in this study will be tested on set of seven functional tests (Functional Task Tests) and a corresponding set of physiological measures before and after 70 days of bed rest. Results of the study will help us
Understand which mission tasks might be affected by changes in physiology during space flight,
Understand how physiological changes map to a person’s ability to do a particular task, and
Design countermeasures to prevent or minimize impairment to these physiological systems
The study will also evaluate the effectiveness of a new exercise program to maintain muscle size and strength, bone health, and cardiovascular function during 70 days of bed rest. The exercise program is called the countermeasure and functional testing (CFT) study."

Those selected are going to be paid $18,000. Wish I was young and healthy -- sign me up!!
