Fitness Kickboxers! Let me see your Before and Afters!

Hello MFP's!

I am starting my first class at a local MMA studio on Monday, they have Fitness Kickboxing using gloves and punching bags! We'll also be doing drills and stuff. Im doing a 45 mins class 5x a week. Has anyone have any success stories, B&A pics, Success stories of a friend? Im 5'3, 28 years old, 188lbs and im hoping to lose 60-70 pounds doing Kickboxing! Any inspiration is greatly appreciated! im super excited! Thanks!


  • Bearface115
    Bearface115 Posts: 574 Member
    anybody? Lol
  • Territravel
    Territravel Posts: 165 Member
    My gym is starting a kickboxing class next month. I can't wait to try it! I currently do spin and and zumba, so I'll aim for one or two classes a week. I'm told this class will be very choregraphed. Can't wait, did I say that already?
  • Bearface115
    Bearface115 Posts: 574 Member
    yeah im totally excited for my classes! I'll totally have my B&A's after 8 months of trying hard. Im aiming for 8 months becuase thats my goal before my sisters wedding. either way ill have made a big difference
  • mjrkearney
    mjrkearney Posts: 408 Member
    I start a four week class in October. Not sure how much mine will do, but best of luck with yours.
  • Cindyinpg
    Cindyinpg Posts: 3,902 Member
    I LOVE kickboxing. You are so lucky to go so often! I only get an hour twice a week. It kicks my butt. I think there's even a YouTube video of my class. I'll go find it.

    Here it is.
    I love how it's for everyone, no matter your weight or fitness level. You are going to love it. Enjoy!
  • snejkaxo
    snejkaxo Posts: 91 Member
    My kickboxing class is once a week. I wish it would be offered more often, but the guy who trains us says that for beginners level, once a week is a good pace, and that between classes we should practice on our own and do 15 min of rope jumping and then another 45 min of cardio. I don´t have kickboxing progress stories to tell yet, but I´ve been doing yoga for over 15 years, and that is successful pursuit. Good luck with your class. I hope you gonna like it. I love mine.
  • Alanhalil
    Alanhalil Posts: 62 Member
    Would it be really corny if I said (Sanshou) kickboxing has changed my life? I joined a club in October 2012 which has 3 national champions and although I was aware that I was a bit fat at the time (84kg), compared to the other guys I was felt morbidly obese. Seeing how the other guys looked was pretty inspiring, not to mention the training was so harsh, those calories got nuked.

    I have been going once a week since then and alongside some jogging with my dog, I lost a good chunk of weight. Only found out about MFP recently and with the addition of calorie counting I started losing weight again just as I thought I was starting to plateau. Am delighted.

    As of next month I will be training there twice a week to up things further. For those starting out, the intensity of the training can be a shock to the system but keep at it you really won't regret it later. It's my birthday coming up, marking a year of training. I might post some pics then :)
  • marie_2454
    marie_2454 Posts: 881 Member
    I just started a kickboxing bootcamp this week. It's 90 minutes, 3 times a week for 6 weeks. I've only got about 15-20 pounds left to lose and am hoping to lose about 10. I'm also lifting weights and running though
  • Bearface115
    Bearface115 Posts: 574 Member
    Wow That is Really Inspirational!!
  • Bearface115
    Bearface115 Posts: 574 Member
    Any one else like to share?
  • JcMey3r
    JcMey3r Posts: 431 Member
    I dont have pics but I have been doing it for around a year and I just love it. Sometimes I train a hour kickboxing/MMA class then go to gym for another.

    Your fitness improves greatly apart from that I find my reaction times are quicker.

    Working in the class + gym + eating healthy can make you a smooth running machine!
  • TheBoldCat
    TheBoldCat Posts: 159 Member
    i love kickboxing, you get the stress out, your concentration is improved plus you have lots of fun. For me, MMA kickbox works much better the cardio AE kickbox. I had now almost 13 years break but last week i have started again and yeah, it's great.
  • JenToms80
    JenToms80 Posts: 373 Member
    I dont do kickboxing but absolutely love my body combat classess - think you are going to see some amaxing changes to your body and stamina!

  • Tumtum11
    Tumtum11 Posts: 6 Member
    Not a recent story but I started doing martial arts again about 3years ago. The style was pretty much a mixture of everything to start off with including traditional karate. A
    I trained about 3hrs each session 3times per week and also did my own training every lunch and morning tea and afternoon tea break because I go that re motivated. The length of time I trained was my choice and about 2 hours of that was intense boxing, kicking, lining training, mma, all in one stuff. During this time I also did a 12week boot camp of food monitoring etc. I lost 15kgs in 12 weeks which was ridiculous, but, I felt bloody good for having getting back into training, finding the motivation to the point of intense training feeding my adrenalin and now knowing the way I want to do it this time round. GOOD LUCK! I still do all this training now but no way to the same intensity. I've just started crossfit tonight and I feel great! Weight to come down but at a slower pace than last time!! you will love the rush, hard work and the gains not just physically but skills too. Enjoy!!
  • piccola1406
    piccola1406 Posts: 9 Member
    Hi! I just started using MFP and will start kickboxing after my trip... I shall take my measurements to see if I have made any kind of improvements. After reading all the posts, I'm already motivated!
  • JcMey3r
    JcMey3r Posts: 431 Member
    One thing I would also like to mention is just because you will be training at a high intensity level doesn't mean you can slack on your clean eating.

    Eating bad will not bring you good results no matter how hard you train.
  • Jenya05
    Jenya05 Posts: 42 Member
    Not my story, but I thought I would share about my sister-in-law. She started going to kickboxing 4x a week in February or March, and she has leaned out considerably! She says she hasn't lost much weight, but her body looks completely different. Her arms are ripped and she is even starting to see a six pack poking through. Her results have been so great, I have looked into going, but classes are so expensive around here!
  • Alanhalil
    Alanhalil Posts: 62 Member
    Not my story, but I thought I would share about my sister-in-law. She started going to kickboxing 4x a week in February or March, and she has leaned out considerably! She says she hasn't lost much weight, but her body looks completely different. Her arms are ripped and she is even starting to see a six pack poking through. Her results have been so great, I have looked into going, but classes are so expensive around here!

    4 times a week is damn intensive. Pretty hardcore. I'd expect anyone doing over 6 months of that to be totally transformed yes. Bet she totally kicks *kitten* now :D
  • Bearface115
    Bearface115 Posts: 574 Member
    i am 98% healed after i broke my ankle! i cannot wait to go back to Kickboxing and try again! Any other stories to get me even more enthusiastic than i already am!!
  • rgugs13
    rgugs13 Posts: 197 Member
    I lost about 20 pounds doing Turbo Jam at home, and I miss it! I also did an army combatives class in college, and wish they could have let civilians go above level 1! I got my *kitten* kicked a lot as the only girl in class, but I learned a lot an was in much better shape at the end! Some day when I settle down from traveling for work, I want to join an MMA gym!

    Good luck!
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