Cant keep the weight off

I've been excersising daily, I went on a slump for awhile but got back into it about 2 years ago. No matter how much I excersise my weight seems to stay pretty much the same, I'm limited in my options due to issues with my feet, so no running, and some excersises bother my asthma even with an inhaler. I have excersise enduced asthma, had it all my life, even before I started gaining weight. However my weight gain has worsened my symptoms :(. Is my inhaler adding to my difficulty in losing weight? Any suggestions for excersises for someone in my situation?


  • init2fitit
    init2fitit Posts: 168 Member
    Well, weight loss at its simplest is cals in vs cals out. So start there and make sure that you're eating enough to keep your body going, but not enough so that your body doesn't have to start breaking fat back into energy.

    Also I have exercise induced asthma and I no longer use my inhaler, but I found that when I did I had to use it as much as an hour before the steroids kicked in.

    Not sure what problems with your feet you have, but have you tried doing things in water, or simple body weight stuff?
  • Hildy_J
    Hildy_J Posts: 1,050 Member

    Sorry about the asthma - it's a horrible condition to live with.

    It might be an idea to start with your food and the weight loss and then slowly and carefully build the exercise in as you go.

    Do you use the MFP app that lets you log your calories? If not, that could be the best place to start.

    Good luck! :flowerforyou:
  • redheadlmp
    Thanks for the advice :). I have plantar faciatis, big ol word for flat feet and the issues that causes but it makes prolonged walking painful as well as running; to the point that if I "push it" I could be limping for days or require crutches. I have shoe inserts but eeven with them I can tend to last for about an hour on my feet. Though I plan to look into the newer "active" series that have come out to see if they are better for excersise. And yeah I think I should look into the water excersises idea. :) Thanks
  • lharri0209
    lharri0209 Posts: 128 Member
    Hi! I am sorry to hear about your ailments. We all just have to find what works for us. I can't jog due to having bad knees. So, I walk but that doesn't burn lots of cals without power walking or a good length of time during each work out. Although, my mother gifted me with a stationary bike. It does resistance and has personal trainer programs included. This kicks my butt but, I love it. I use my bike 5-6 times per week. That would be a good option for your asthma. You can use cycling at a lower pace without added resistance and still get a good burn. You control how slow or fast you want to pedal. Good luck along your weight loss journey. :smile:
  • pobalita
    pobalita Posts: 741 Member
    I would start with determining your daily caloric need and then logging your food and exercise. You probably are eating too much or exercising too little (or both) to lose weight. I was surprised by the amount of calories I was consuming and how little calories I was actually burning by exercise when I stared doing this. I'd walk for an hour and see that I only burned 300 calories!

    I tore my plantar fascia two months ago and can sympathize with the pain! I still can't run. I've had some luck on the elliptical machine and rowing machine at the gym for cardio.
  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    You'll never out exercise a bad diet. Track all your food, weigh and measure everything and stay in your budget. Exercise is great for fitness but 90% of your weight loss will come from your food intake.
  • rileyhall00
    How would you go on the rower machine? It's less stress on the feet and targets more upper body muscles as well.

    In saying that what about weights lifting? there are a lot of variety of exercises that can have you sitting down, eg; machine weights, lat pulldowns, machine bench press...etc.

    If you build muscle it will help burn fat.

    The water exercises are a good idea.

    With a proper diet, you dont really need cardio. however it helps with weight loss.