need help setting goals

I'm a 28 yr old mom of three, and I need help figuring out reasonable goals. I'm 5'1" and about 135lbs. Ultimately I'd like to lose about 25 lbs. What pace should I set as a goal? 2lbs per week? 1? I also am really struggling with finding the right calorie goal, mfp says about 1200 but I am starving if I stay under that! I'm still nursing my toddler, and I also am trying to at least get some cardio in...I'm afraid to increase my calories too much and then not lose but the 1200 is just not working; I get moody and crazy and end up saying screw it for a few days bc I'm just so hungry. Advice? Anyone in similar place our have similar goals?


  • Hildy_J
    Hildy_J Posts: 1,050 Member
    Hey - you're petite and you haven't got loads to lose.

    The MFP setting is just odd. Why would they ask how much weight people want to lose a week? It's like saying: 'Would you like £250,000 or would you prefer a cool million?'. Who ISN'T going to want the 2lb or the shedloads of cash?

    Set the goal to 0.5lb a week and add in calories while you're breastfeeding. :smile: