Smaller of the real stuff or more of the healthy version?

Inshape13 Posts: 680 Member
I was wondering when it comes to food what people have a preference of doing....eating a smaller amount of the real/fattier food or making it over into the healthy version to be able to eat more of it. Such as subbing in a bowl of frozen yogurt with berries instead of a spoon of Chunky Monkey.


  • xvxCelticWandererxvx
    xvxCelticWandererxvx Posts: 2,890 Member
    I want it all, so both! :wink: Moderation!
  • SherryTeach
    SherryTeach Posts: 2,836 Member
    Why do you think "real" is the opposite of "healthy?"
  • kellyskitties
    kellyskitties Posts: 475 Member
    I would prefer less butter than eating butter-like-substance.
    I would prefer less sugar than eating artificial sugar substitutes.
    I have no clue what olestra fake fat is made of and wouldn't eat it on purpose.
    I avoid "low fat" or "fat free" products like salad dressings - I'll just use less if I need to reduce my calories more. They add more sugars and texturizing weirdness to make the fat free stuff thick and palatable.
    I don't use nonstick spray or spray butter or spray salad dressings.

    I have no problem with baking/boiling/grilling something over frying to cut calories.
    If I am just as happy to leave off the breading (grilled or crispy chicken) - I go grilled.
    Subbing apple sauce instead of oil in a baking recipe - fine.
    Lean meat over high fat meat - that's ok. I probably won't cut the fat off my steak if it comes to me that way though.
    I eat my chicken skin if it's crunchy. I'm okay with not eating it if it doesn't come to me that way.
    I don't buy much "diet" food. I do buy some high fiber and lower carb breads (Hubster counts carbs for medical reasons).
    I tend to buy full fat dairy. I think it's a little better for me. IMHO.
    I don't buy reduced fat anything - if the fat belongs there - leave it.
    I don't drink crystal light. I do drink a couple diet root beers a month - cause I like them still. I don't drink other sodas anymore.
    I don't buy sugar free candy. Pretty much I don't buy candy at all. I don't do "sugar free" stuff. I will do "No sugar added" - like jams that use juice to sweeten. It may not save much for calories - it's a preference thing.

    I like natural over processed, but don't go 100% in any direction. Perfection creates failure. I'm on a long term adjustment.