Fitbit One + myfitnesspal and running

Hi guys!
I'm new here and you can call me Emma :)

I have a Fitbit One that I have on me all the time. Since I work as a letter carrier I wanted something that counted floors so Fitbit One was the perfect choice.

I do however run a lot... and I keep my One on me during the run. I have it synced with myfitnesspal and endomondo but I never use those apps for running since I thought One could track that?
I just came home from a 30 minute run, and myfitnesspal says I burned 13 calories during exercise based on my One. 13?! Is it just me or should I burn more than 13 calories on running 30 minutes?

So what am I doing wrong? :(
Should I just leave my One at home when I'm going to run and only track it with endomondo or something?

Please help!


  • sleepyme416
    sleepyme416 Posts: 1 Member
    I have a similar experience. My One shows I burned 1,073 calories so far today but MFP is showing only 35 calories for exercise. I log all my food on MFP and let the One keep track of my movements. Have you figured this out yet?

  • They get out of sync sometimes. When I have that happen I use the app on my PC to resync my fitbit and that usually clears it up.
  • Okay so going to try to re-sync it now. Thanks for the tip!