Mold in drinks



  • jarrettd
    jarrettd Posts: 872 Member
    It CAN be a big deal, healthwise, but not always.

    My daughter called me, distraught that she had discovered moldy grapes in her middle child's fruit and yogurt parfait from McD's. AFTER her eldest son had already eaten all of his.

    She was in a panic, concerned about the health impact of her child consuming rotten fruit. Tongue-in-cheek, I explained that people have been consuming rotten grapes ON PURPOSE for many years...we like to call it "wine".

    Bread mold and fruit mold are likely harmless, and in fact, by-products of these little organisms are instrumental in the good health we enjoy today. (Can you say "penicillin"?)
  • sloth3toes
    sloth3toes Posts: 2,212 Member
    Oh barf. I actually ate a twinkie once (while drunk). Thought it tasted a little strange. The next morning I noticed the others had little blue flecks on them. Sickening!

    That's not possible, is it? I heard that Twinkies have an unlimited shelf life.
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    Oh barf. I actually ate a twinkie once (while drunk). Thought it tasted a little strange. The next morning I noticed the others had little blue flecks on them. Sickening!

    That's not possible, is it? I heard that Twinkies have an indefinite shelf life.

    I wish, but this is a true story. Icky.
  • beaches222
    beaches222 Posts: 437 Member
    Yes I believe it. The kids juice boxes (capri suns, Koolaid jammers) have it in them all the time. The parents give it there kids and they put that straw in there and you never know cause your children don't know. I only know cause my friend drank one and stringy mold came out the straw..SO GROSS needless to say I never bought them again.
  • BeachIron
    BeachIron Posts: 6,490 Member
    Foods without preservatives grow mold a lot faster. Just sayin'.

    True story.

    Would organic rotting food be paleo?
  • Rurouni_Kou
    Rurouni_Kou Posts: 180 Member
    See... mold on food I can deal with. Mold on tampons however...- *gag retch*

    ...I'm glad I switched to menstrual cups.
  • Fullsterkur_woman
    Fullsterkur_woman Posts: 2,712 Member
    See... mold on food I can deal with. Mold on tampons however...- *gag retch*

    ...I'm glad I switched to menstrual cups.
    Sweet baby jeebus. *shudder*
  • pcastagner
    pcastagner Posts: 1,606 Member
    It CAN be a big deal, healthwise, but not always.

    My daughter called me, distraught that she had discovered moldy grapes in her middle child's fruit and yogurt parfait from McD's. AFTER her eldest son had already eaten all of his.

    She was in a panic, concerned about the health impact of her child consuming rotten fruit. Tongue-in-cheek, I explained that people have been consuming rotten grapes ON PURPOSE for many years...we like to call it "wine".

    Bread mold and fruit mold are likely harmless, and in fact, by-products of these little organisms are instrumental in the good health we enjoy today. (Can you say "penicillin"?)

    Moldy food tastes bad. But it probably won't hurt you unless you are inhaling it literally.

    At least it wasn't mold in your injectable drug therapy applied directly to your spine!

    And it's a really good thing you did not notice mold in your protein shake by looking in your menstrual cup!
  • Loasaur
    Loasaur Posts: 125
    Something similar happen to me with a Snapple drink. I opened it up, big, fat, nasty maggot attached to the top of the inside lid. Ughh. I couldn't drink Snapple for weeks. Now I always CHECK EVERYTHING! Just thinking about it makes my stomach turn.
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
  • Lincolnlady217
    Lincolnlady217 Posts: 49 Member
    Canadians have a thing for throwing in unnecessary "U's" into everything.

    Ummm, unnecessary by whose standards? Oh and you'll have to lump our British cousins in with us as they like to spell things correctly too! Just sayin...
  • teamAmelia
    teamAmelia Posts: 1,247 Member
    Something similar happen to me with a Snapple drink. I opened it up, big, fat, nasty maggot attached to the top of the inside lid. Ughh. I couldn't drink Snapple for weeks. Now I always CHECK EVERYTHING! Just thinking about it makes my stomach turn.
  • BrainyBurro
    BrainyBurro Posts: 6,129 Member
    Canadians have a thing for throwing in unnecessary "U's" into everything.

    Ummm, unnecessary by whose standards? Oh and you'll have to lump our British cousins in with us as they like to spell things correctly too! Just sayin...

    oh, for crying out loud... go to the store and buy yourself a sense of humor. if you can't see that he was joking, then the internet may not be the place for you.
  • stefjc
    stefjc Posts: 484 Member
    go to the store and buy yourself a sense of humor.

    May I, as an English personage, got to a shop and purchase a sense of humour instead?

    Many thanks!

    And I found dried up husk of a moth in a can of Lilt... they gave me a case of the stuff and were very defensive when I gave it back. I added cans to my never again list!
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I once drank a whole mug of Swiss Miss hot chocolate before I realized that those little white lumps weren't marshmallows, but maggots. :sick:

    Taking it back to the store is always an option, but I'd send an email to the store and the manufacturer. Every time I had some complaints, I got a pile of coupons. A bone in my Hot Pocket, an empty pouch in my packs of ice tea mix, a busted can in my case of Mt. Dew, even got a bunch of coupons when the coupons that were included in my kitty litter were expired.
  • sloth3toes
    sloth3toes Posts: 2,212 Member
  • Athijade
    Athijade Posts: 3,269 Member
    Yes I believe it. The kids juice boxes (capri suns, Koolaid jammers) have it in them all the time. The parents give it there kids and they put that straw in there and you never know cause your children don't know. I only know cause my friend drank one and stringy mold came out the straw..SO GROSS needless to say I never bought them again.

    "...have it in them all the time."

    "... my friend drank one..."

    So, it happened once and this must happen all the time? How does that work?
  • Alluminati
    Alluminati Posts: 6,208 Member
    Yes I believe it. The kids juice boxes (capri suns, Koolaid jammers) have it in them all the time. The parents give it there kids and they put that straw in there and you never know cause your children don't know. I only know cause my friend drank one and stringy mold came out the straw..SO GROSS needless to say I never bought them again.

    "...have it in them all the time."

    "... my friend drank one..."

    So, it happened once and this must happen all the time? How does that work?

    Because Facebook said so.
  • CaliforniaBarbie
    CaliforniaBarbie Posts: 346 Member
    im offically really grossed out, ive never bought something from the store that then had mold on it, but ive had things grow mold after i let them sit forever. but yeah i dont want to ever touch any of the things mentioned in this post now.
  • snazzyjazzy21
    snazzyjazzy21 Posts: 1,298 Member
    When I was a child my Mum brought me fruit juice as a treat from an airport cafe and it had been there for so long it had fermented. I can't drink wine because it just reminds me of that now :grumble: