Hi, all:
What are your goals for October? Let's face it with Pumpkin Spice lattes out again and Halloween coming up it's easy to get off track!
1. Lose 2-3 pounds this month. Close to my goal so it's harder to lose :/
2. Have at least 4 serving of veggies a day.
3. Try another fitness class at my gym besides boot camp.
4. Allow myself to have 1-2 pieces of candy on Halloween.
5. Remind myself to be patient with these last pounds I have to lose.


  • caitypants86
    caitypants86 Posts: 278 Member
    Nice! My goals are:

    -Eat out for lunch only once per week (instead of 3 or 4 like I currently am)
    -Drink 3L of water per day, at least (more when I'm working out)
    -Get my butt back into the gym, try for 3 sessions per week (at least)
    -Cut way back on sugar and artificial sweeteners - replace with fruit, lemon/lime in my water, etc.
    -Add 2 x 30 minute at-home yoga sessions per week to my schedule
    -MOVE MORE over all
    -Begin every work day with a smoothie - frozen wild blueberries, plain low fat greek yogurt, whey protein, Omega 3 + vitaminD supplement, banana, almond milk - instead of coffee and a muffin/bagel.

    Edit: Forgot to add - limit myself to one pumpkin spice latte per week! (And make it skinny of course)
  • confused_truffle
    confused_truffle Posts: 38 Member
    I love this!

    -Drink more water!
    -Treat myself with non-food items!