Doing it right but sleeping all the time

Did any of you notice that you slept a lot more after you started getting healthier? I have always had a hard time with energy and tiredness yet I could never sleep in past 8:00 am in the morning. Now that I am getting healthier, I thought I would have more energy with the same amount of sleep. I didn't expect my sleep habits to change. I am having a harder time getting up in the morning and sleeping in until 11:00 on the weekends even though I am still going to bed around the same time (9:30-10:30 pm).

I currently walk or hike at least 5 times a week and do weights 2-3 times a week. I try to eat a lot of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. On average, I eat around 1800 calories a day. My average weight loss since mid-July is about 2 lbs a week.

So if I am doing it right, why am I sleeping so much? To be honest, it is kinda nice to sleep in. I will be asking my doctor (once I find a new one) but I just wanted to see if anyone else has experienced this.


  • Murat143
    to be honest i can wake up early in the morning fall back asleep and the time is way in the afternoon but what i see it as i rather get up do what i have to do example go gym or work etc etc so sleeping for me its only 6-8 hours you will only get tired if you over slept
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    The more exercise I get...and the more productive my exercise is...the more sleep I get. For me, that is a good thing, because I wasn't getting enough sleep before. I can get at least 7 hours, sometimes a lot more, when I am working out and eating a healthy amount of food (as opposed to way too much or way too little food)
  • MickeyBoo
    MickeyBoo Posts: 196 Member
    Sleep is great for weight loss in the sense that it gives your body a a chance to rest and recuperate, if you're actually sleeping and not waking up intermittently and falling back to sleep then your body must need it. I'd also suggest taking a multivitamin to see if that helps improve things.
  • Hildy_J
    Hildy_J Posts: 1,050 Member
    So if I am doing it right, why am I sleeping so much? To be honest, it is kinda nice to sleep in.

    You're sleeping more (and probably more deeply) because you're working so hard and your body needs to rest and recover. The fact that you're hiking so much means you must have tons of energy and enthusiasm.... so it sounds like you're wearing yourself out in the day and then crashing at night - like toddlers do! :bigsmile:

    It's all good and well done on the weight loss. x
  • aetzkorn14
    aetzkorn14 Posts: 169 Member
    On the days you don't workout do you notice if your sleep patterns are different? If you aren't crashing as hard on your rest days then it's most likely just your body trying to recuperate. Also, how long have you been in your routine? If it hasn't been that long your body may not be use to the routine.
  • EirePetal
    EirePetal Posts: 54 Member
    Thanks everyone. I have only been doing this now for a couple of months so I am still pretty new to it. I am sleeping pretty hard on the weekends. I do feel that I am sleeping harder. Maybe I just need to wait a couple more months into this new routine and see where I am then.