Hi there, seeking motivation/support!

Hello MFP community, I'm not really new here but I'm trying to recommit to myself and a healthier lifestyle. For me, working out is not the problem- I love exercise and am generally 'fit,' but I really struggle with eating/snacking habits and food choices. I also found out I have elevated cholesterol and would love to avoid having to take medication later on down the line! I'm here to really improve my eating habits and hopefully gain a better self image in the process. Would love support/motivation to stay on track from anyone who deals with these issues too!
Nice to meet you all :)


  • there are so many of us recommittees!
  • ch_carr
    ch_carr Posts: 2 Member
    Hi! I find it easier to track my food through this app. Personally I don't want to count calories but this does it for me. And it has the most accurate scanner I have ever used. Jillian Michaels has great recipes. My issue is planning my meals for the week. I do great in the morning and at lunch time, but by supper time, I eat as many calories in the one meal then I do all day. And of course weekends are a bust. Its really hard to keep up the good work over the weekend. In general, until it becomes a new habit, it will take some getting used to and a lot of hard work, but keep it up! You won't need to track food forever. And lets face it, it's much easier to sit on our butts and do nothing about it. Working out and eating right is hard...but it pays off!! It's nice to discuss common issues with others. I find everyone around me who isn't involved in it as much as I, find it annoying that this is something I talk about a lot.
  • tomhaegdorens
    tomhaegdorens Posts: 36 Member
    I'm just like you: I also love exercise, I'm fit, and my snacking habits are also the reason I'm not losing weight. I've stopped eating all those snacks and focused on healthier food and fruit as healthier snacks. I'm sure you can also do that and lower your cholesterol ;)