Time for a change...

Hello everyone, My name is Kandee. Im a single mother of 1. This year lost a few loved ones in my life to heart attacks and cancer and have had a few in the hospital with close scares from heart problems that run in the family. Congestive heart failure seems to be the big one and the average age my family has going is about 42.

Im 28 and im just getting over a Upper respiratory infection and luckly when i went into the ER they said I was in otherwise ok health...my weight is high 230, height 5'7 but my blood pressure is normal....my organs are all working good. no diabetes...etc....so im in the process of quitting smoking... Ive had one cigarette in a week and that was a mistake. Trying to just GIVE THEM UP cold turkey. I will get there. but Im not doing bad considering i was smoking a pack a day.

Anyway Im looking for motivation and some good friends to share this journey with. I need people who will kick my *kitten* into gear lol. Im working 2 jobs right now and being a momma but ive managed to line up a few days a week to hit the gym with one of my best friends after work. I wanna drop about 60- 70 lbs. I want to eat right and raise my daughter to have healthy habbits so that shes not dealing with these issues when she gets older. I want to enjoy shopping for clothes instead of crying in the dressing room. I want to feel good about myself and healthy ....and its time to begin now. Im not dieting...Im changing my life. If your with me feel free to add me as a friend :) Gonna need them. LETS DO THIS!


  • Corpsebride81
    Corpsebride81 Posts: 1,188 Member
    Hi there Im 5'6 and currently 221lb have just lost 10lb I've been doing the T25 programme and it's fab as it's only a 25 minute programme feel free to add me for some extra support x