Ive hit the wall..anny advice?

For the past 1 1/2 months i havent lost any weight, ive stayed the same give or take 1lb. It feels like ive hit the wall. Since i havent lost any for months i feel like my efforts are getting nowhere.any advice?


  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    You have tons of days where you didn't log. Start logging EVERY single day and make sure you are weighing and measuring everything otherwise you have no idea how many calories you are eating.
  • bridgie101
    bridgie101 Posts: 817 Member
    Why does your goal say zero?

    You need a realistic calorie goal to aim for. Shouldn't be below 1800.

    Diets have to be capable of being stuck to. And that means you need a daily calorie goal. How do you know you're getting it right if you don't have a goal? How can you win the race if there is no finish line?

    this kind of stuff is very important. :p Work out your daily calorie goal, and then log everything you eat. Everything. Even if you go gangbusters and eat a MacDonalds shop. :) If you do this, you will lose. Consistently, reliably, and reasonably quickly. Maybe a pound a week.
  • kaiodedra123
    kaiodedra123 Posts: 38 Member
    Okay, I've done my goal of 1400. From today I will log everything! I know there's allot of crap about this but does it matter how much carbs I have if I'm under my calorie goal?
  • kaiodedra123
    kaiodedra123 Posts: 38 Member
    1800!? That's allot isn't it? I find it hard trying to eat 1500 :p
  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    1800!? That's allot isn't it? I find it hard trying to eat 1500 :p

    No 1800 isn't a lot at all for a guy your age. You could probably be on more than that and lose. 1400 isn't enough for most little old ladies. Are you doing any exercise? You are supposed to be eating most of those calories back as well.
  • kaiodedra123
    kaiodedra123 Posts: 38 Member
    Yes every day I walk allot (dog) and do weight training and time on the bike. I don't get this eating back calories. From Monday I think I'll try out 1400 and slowly increase it to 1800 over time
  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
  • TammyGKRN
    You haven't lost any weight because you have put your body in starvation mode and until you up your calories you will continue hitting a wall. Look at my blog it has my diet on it. I try very hard to consume 1200 kcals a day. Some people eat back their exercise weight but I do not! To me it is simple math. You wanna be more active than you are taking in and get your body use to that. If I eat back my exercise deficit calories I would not have lost 10 pounds in a few weeks. I have done so by 100% clean eating and exercising!! Keep working it and add more good calories in your diet! You need way more protein!!!
  • bridgie101
    bridgie101 Posts: 817 Member
    1800!? That's allot isn't it? I find it hard trying to eat 1500 :p

    You're a boy. I would start with something like 1800. MFP will actually work it out for you if you go through the 'goal' setting.

    the other thing is to fit veges into your life. When you have a ham sandwich, have a ham, lettuce and tomato sandwich. When you have roast chicken, have roast chicken, roast potatoes and some peas.

    If you hate vege, the trick is to have not many of each, all in the pot together. Eg 1/2 carrot, a small handful of beans, a spoonful of peas, couple of florets broccoli. etc.

    that way it's not too daunting and horrible to eat a particular vege you hate cos you don't have much of it to endure.

    But veges are vital, because they push everything else through in a reasonable time, and they keep you relatively full while they're doing it. And if you're feeling nibbly, a carrot will satisfy the 'i want something to munch' instinct when you're not ready for a meal. :)