Weight Gain or Fluid Retentionl from BC Pill Advice Please?

Hi, I am 25 yr old, 5'5'' and weigh 10st 11lbs (151lbs).

I am trying to get rid of 12lbs, which have been fluctuating for months. I stopped taking my BC pill (microlite 20mg) back in January, But I started the pill back again 3 weeks ago (NOW on 7 day free).

I am trying to cut down at the moment and getting more water and walking in my routine. I don't drink, smoke or have salt, neither do I eat red meat, my only downfall is chocolate but I've not been eating as much as I have done.

I feel like I'm carrying it all around my middle, and my skin is in total breakout, bottom of my back and my face! I don't know what to do about my acne! I haven't had a bleed yet so am worried if this is actual weight gain or just the fluctuation of water and my body sorting itself out for the BC pill?

Is this down to the BC pill? Like I said I just finished my 3 weeks, and am on my 7 day free. Is this what's happening to me?