To the point of tears...

Today was my monthly measurement day. And despite 2 solid months of consistent 3x a week working out (burning 400-500 calories each time) and maintaining a diet of 1500-1700 calories per day (I've got MFP set for 1900)... every single measurement went up.

Part of it is because I used to go to the gym first thing in the morning and do my measurements then, but now I have to go after work at the end of the day. That should account for some of it, but I feel like I'm busting my butt and changing everything about how I live and eat* and nothing is happening.

*If you happen to look at my diary, last week was kind of a bad week.. but I still only went over my calories once.


  • kellygirl5538
    kellygirl5538 Posts: 597 Member
    Loosing weight is a LONG process!!! Don't give up. Personally when I was over 200 pounds I just focused on eating good and exercise NOT weightloss. It takes your body time to adjust.
  • bellanean
    bellanean Posts: 220
    Have you gotten on the scale? I dont take my measurements, just rely on the scale. I work out 5x a week burning at least 700 calories a workout and I usually eat about 1300-1500 calories a day and im losing about 2 pounds a week., sometimes one. Its a lot of work, you might need to boost up your exercise.
    I know I feel the same way, I have joined this site about three months ago and I have only lost about 3-4 lbs but it goes up and down. For me its different though because I have health problems and I have to take prednisone to control my symptoms. So my weight yoyos alot but I seem to be stuck just over the 200 mark, I have always weighed about 150 so this has been hard for me to acccept. Just keep working hard and maybe vary workouts, I read somewhere that if u do the same workout over and over your body gets used to it and it stops burning as many calories per workout, just a thought. Try and keep your head up even though the weight isnt coming off as fast as youd like, you are still benefiting from all this excersize, your heart thanks you! lol
  • lynnie30
    lynnie30 Posts: 105 Member
    I TOTALLY know how you feel! I work out all week and no number anywhere goes down. My friend told me this though- I have at least a year of changing my habits to lose weight. We are bound to have frustrating weeks where we don't see the change that we expect or want to see. How do you feel? Do your clothes feel better even though your measurements didn't change?

    Maybe change it up a bit too. I always (except today oddly enough) log my exercise at the end of the day so I don't eat all those extra calories. maybe change the workout or what you are eating will do too.

    Good luck to you- keep at it.
  • keith0373
    keith0373 Posts: 2,154 Member
    Don't sweat it! The time of day is the difference. My weight can go up and down by 10 lbs during a day, sometimes I go to bed at 178 and wake up at 170. Even though I have lost alot of weight, there are still lots of fat cells around that will gladly hold water for me and remember that water weights 8 lbs per gallon and it is not unusual for you to hold onto that much during a day when you are 200+lbs and 30%+ body fat.

    Stick to routine and the losses will come. I also recommend buying a scale and a tape and measuring once a week, after you pee once or twice (depending on how you roll that way) in the morning.
  • islandnutshel
    islandnutshel Posts: 1,143 Member
    Have you seen a doctor to rule out medical causes? Ruling that out, maybe it is a stinking plateau. They happen can last months. Focus on how your body feels better with each work out. Admire your commitment and endurance. Find a dance class to get fun exercise in. Enjoy the support you get here, know we are pulling for you.
    Don give up, your doing great.
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,006 Member
    Hang in there, dont give up. It will happen. I have experienced the same thing only to have the following week show great improvement. You might want to change your workout a bit, sometimes that will help to do something different
  • July24Lioness
    July24Lioness Posts: 2,399 Member
    Have you seen a doctor to rule out medical causes? Ruling that out, maybe it is a stinking plateau. They happen can last months. Focus on how your body feels better with each work out. Admire your commitment and endurance. Find a dance class to get fun exercise in. Enjoy the support you get here, know we are pulling for you.
    Don give up, your doing great.

    I agree with this.
  • mandikaye
    mandikaye Posts: 72 Member
    Thanks guys, the support is helpful.

    I do need to go to the Dr to get some tips on weight loss + PCOS, but I feel like SOMETHING should be happening. 6 months ago, I ate what I wanted (2200+ calories per day or more) and NEVER worked out. I was totally sedentary. And I maintained my weight. I wasn't gaining more, I was just standing still.

    In the same place I am right now, eating 1500-1700 calories and working out 3x a week.

    It makes NO logical sense.
  • July24Lioness
    July24Lioness Posts: 2,399 Member
    Thanks guys, the support is helpful.

    I do need to go to the Dr to get some tips on weight loss + PCOS, but I feel like SOMETHING should be happening. 6 months ago, I ate what I wanted (2200+ calories per day or more) and NEVER worked out. I was totally sedentary. And I maintained my weight. I wasn't gaining more, I was just standing still.

    In the same place I am right now, eating 1500-1700 calories and working out 3x a week.

    It makes NO logical sense.

    If you have PCOS, you will have to lower your carbs (mainly watching how much starch and sugar you consume). Need to eat as natural and unprocessed as possible.

    Also, there is a direct Correlation between women with PCOS and developing hypothyroidism and Type 2 Diabetes. (I now have all 3 along with Adrenal Fatigue)
  • leavinglasvegas
    Thanks guys, the support is helpful.

    I do need to go to the Dr to get some tips on weight loss + PCOS, but I feel like SOMETHING should be happening. 6 months ago, I ate what I wanted (2200+ calories per day or more) and NEVER worked out. I was totally sedentary. And I maintained my weight. I wasn't gaining more, I was just standing still.

    In the same place I am right now, eating 1500-1700 calories and working out 3x a week.

    It makes NO logical sense.

    You most certainly should see a doctor. Preferably a specialist. An endocrinologist would be your best bet. I have PCOS. As Lioness said, it leads to more than just that. Your whole system gets out of whack. Less processed carbs, more veggies. Best treatment available, I swear! And I have recently ate my way off of thyroid meds, lost 52 pounds, and will soon be off of my blood sugar meds- all because of increasing the fresh veggies and saying no to breads, bars, and sugars. Going completely bread-free was my choice though, but my doctor supports it for me too. See someone sooner than later. I wound up gaining 85 pounds eating under 1500 cals a day. I did every dietary thing my doctor told me to do and exercised everyday. It wasn't till I saw the specialist that I learned what would work and what wouldn't. By then, my adrenals were fatigued, my testosterone was through the roof, and I was insulin resistant. He took my whole system into consideration, and now its almost all working on its own.
  • mandikaye
    mandikaye Posts: 72 Member
    I've gotten ahold of a Zone meal plan that is all low glycemic stuff, so I'm going to give it a try and see if that helps kickstart some of this.
  • mrsw510
    mrsw510 Posts: 169
    One thing that I have found is that the site doesn't give me enough calories. I kind of stalled for a while, once I kicked up my calories I have been losing steady for several months. Maybe try eating your 1900 instead of cutting a couple hundred out.
  • oats4breakfast
    Try cutting back on meals bought through a window. I went and had a look at your diary, and the instances of McDonalds, Chick-Fil-A, Burger kings was high. It was almost every other day. Going back into June too, not just last week.
    I totally understand the convenience of this, but at the same time, I do not trust the numbers they give us one bit. Certainly, when they tested their perfectly made hamburgers etc they came out to 500 calories (funny how they're always round numbers huh ?), they probably also took the pictures at the same time. But I don't believe that slop that comes out the window at us is really all that controlled. Who knows what they are. Especially since we don't weigh it or even consider the size of it really, just "medium" or "large".
    Again, totally understand the convenience of this, and it is "nice" to have these meals every now and then. If I were you, I'd consider trying to do one of the following as a mini goal.
    1. Eat "fast food" no more than twice a week. reducing if possible (you will find it easier to not want the less you have it, it's like an addiction ... seriously, even your car is addicted because it wants to drive you through the drive through).
    2. When getting the meals. NEVER upsize it. It's just wasted food. The extra drink and fries doesn't fill you up anymore. It just hitches a ride on your body somewhere.
    3. Don't make it a meal. Just don't get the fries ... at least not as often and see #2. Or get their fruit or other healthier option instead.

    Reducing these meals will make you feel better too. Speaking from experience, where I'd eat fast food at least once a day, I can literally feel myself slow down and fall asleep when I eat this crap now. Even feel sick. Definitely my thirst goes through the roof too. I don't even want the stuff where as previously, I'd actually feel the need for a big mac or something.
    Chick-fil-A is about the only one I consider nowadays. That's like once a fortnight too. If even.

    So, please don't take this as unconstructive criticism, simply take it as information/advice from another poster.
    I'd also consider tracking your sugar intake and sodium intake too. They are probably two metrics that we should pay a lot of attention too. Them and fat.
  • sublimechik28
    sublimechik28 Posts: 74 Member
    Fast Food is evil!! lol i rarely hit up fast food joints its a waste of money u can get a way healthier meal spending that money at the grocery store on some fresh veggies n fruits.
  • irishpagan
    Take your measurements in the morning. A lot of weight fluctuation has to do with the amount of water and food still in your body. If you measure in the morning after you go to the bathroom, it ensures that your body has completed digesting last night's dinner.
    Same goes for weighing in.
  • mandikaye
    mandikaye Posts: 72 Member
    Fast food isn't the issue - especially if weight loss is *supposed* to be as simple as "calories in, calories out." My point was that it ISN'T that simple for all of us - which is really really discouraging. Especially when you're making a lot of big lifestyle changes in the way that you eat and work out and still see zero change.

    I started a new meal plan this morning based on recipes from the Zone. My biggest concern is that this plan reduced my calories even further - to 1324 a day (because it insisted that "moderate" activity level was too high for someone of my size).

    This plan will give me what I need as far as fat/protein/carbs (compared to what I've been eating), but I'm worried I'm going to be hungry all of the freaking time!
  • mandikaye
    mandikaye Posts: 72 Member
    Take your measurements in the morning. A lot of weight fluctuation has to do with the amount of water and food still in your body. If you measure in the morning after you go to the bathroom, it ensures that your body has completed digesting last night's dinner.
    Same goes for weighing in.

    Unfortunately, that's not possible. I get measured at Curves and I can't go in before work (they open at 8 - the same time I have to be at work). I have to go to the gym after work now - but I find it's easier to go since I'm already out and about and I have to drive by the gym to get home anyways.

    I do weigh after I use the bathroom every morning.