Insert Clever Title Here? Looking for new friends

Hi everyone. I'm Erin! I'm 28 and looking for some more MFP friends. Last October I had somewhat of an "ah ha" moment when I was going on 4 years of hospital spats and anaphylaxis episodes. I was very VERY sick, to the tone of developing mastocytosis, getting full blown asthma, developing Lupus and fm symptoms, being tested for cancer and topping it off with severe depression. No one knew what was actually wrong. I decided that being overweight (tipping the scales at nearly 200 lbs) probably wasn't helping so I saw a nutritionist, started eating better, started exercising. And low and behold I lost over 40 lbs and put my disease in remission. I also didn't need anymore medications and no longer had asthma. I was no longer "obese" and I went one year without setting foot in a hospital. I used to spend easily $15000 yearly on medical issues and this year I haven't even used all $220 of my health flex benefits at work! I used to be really proud of myself but over the past few months I've gained weight. I was sitting at 154 lbs for a bit and now I'm back at 164 lbs. I've been feeling sluggish and depressed and struggling staying motivated. I'm looking for friends to help push me and share their stories and experiences so I feel less alone. I'm 5'2", "obese" again, live with my boyfriend of 7 years and actively struggling with fertility. Any friends and encouragement are welcome!