Detox before diet



  • polluxy
    Haha, the graphic halfway down made me giggle. :)

    That being said, I'd encourage you to try a 1-2 day water-only fast before embarking on your new healthy eating plan. This is not to "detox" or "jump-start" your weight loss, though it *might* do both of those things. In my experience, it allows you to refocus, eliminate cravings for sugar or other detrimental foods, and helps to regulate your appetite. If you are female, it anecdotally reduces or eliminates PMS symptoms. (It certainly did for me...I've even ended up in the ER once due to fainting from PMS symptoms, and now I have none). Also, people often find that they effortlessly choose healthier foods after the fast. I usually do a 1-day water fast 2-4 times per month and it's definitely helped me stay on track with my eating.

    Of course, it's not for everyone, but if you're looking for a way to set the stage for your healthier diet, you might want to consider it. Unless you are Type-1 diabetic or lack the gene that allows you to metabolize fatty acids, there are no dangers or short- or long-term health detriments for a short water fast.
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