Clean Eating & Coffee

I understand why you should cut sugar and sweetner from your coffee (if you are following a "Clean Eating" plan), but why does it have to be black, too? I usually put real milk or Half & half in it--if they are organic, why is that bad? Anyone know? I really want to follow the plan as closely as possible, but black coffee hurts my stomach, and H & H cuts the acid for me.

I can't give up my coffee!!!!!! 8 /


  • MzBug
    MzBug Posts: 2,173 Member
    Give up coffee??? Thats blasphemy in this house! My first cup of the day (of 3-4) I put h&h 2 tablespoons. When the cup gets to the half way point I refill it with coffee, but no more cream. When the cup is empty the next one gets 1 tablespoon of cream. Then I have my breakfast. The rest of the day if I have more it is black and with a meal or snack so it doesn't do the number on my stomach. I do log the h&h. I have been told that the canned evaporated fat free milk works well in coffee....haven't tried it though.
