What do you eat on a Cheat Day...



  • JohnRobertRowland
    cheat day does not mean junk food, it means more than you normally eat you can have something that you have been craving, a cheat meal is better for you than a cheat day, if you need one , but you should not need one really if you are eating clean food like today I had a happy meal but I have never taken a cheat meal I just eat food that I crave like a happy meal, lol guess you could call that a cheat meal even though I didn't go over my calories, but everyone is different, good luck on you decision

  • Phoenix_Warrior
    Phoenix_Warrior Posts: 1,633 Member
    No cheat days here. I haven't cut out anything I didn't normally eat before. Do I occasionally have two chai lattes if I have the alloted calories? Yesh, yesh I do.
  • DonM46
    DonM46 Posts: 771 Member
    I don't do cheat days.
    Sure, I have days when I go over my calorie budget, but that is by accident rather than intentionally exceeding my limit.
    Cheat days just slow down progress.
  • ddpiel
    oh and how could I forget booze? I've been known to drink 2000 calories :blushing:

    Yes, booze
  • b218w
    b218w Posts: 76 Member
    banana walnut cake
  • shellybrooks37
    I usually balance my favorite calorie filled treats with exercise. Sometimes I’ll ride my bike to Starbucks for a calorie filled venti latte with whipped cream and all, or walk to the local Baskin Robbins for a scoop. It is a good 2 to 3 mile round trip and well worth the treat.
  • Kanzaki3
    Kanzaki3 Posts: 656 Member
    I have cheat meals but not cheat days. My meals are usually random meals that are unplanned like a friend giving me some sugary sweets or just going out trying something new.
  • lharri0209
    lharri0209 Posts: 128 Member
    oh and how could I forget booze? I've been known to drink 2000 calories :blushing:

    Yes, booze

    Yes, for a real "cheat" treat, I have me a few drinks. Even if I do decide to have fried chicken, a few drinks or whatever, I usually can plan it out to where I don't go over my daily nutritional goal. I also limit myself to one meal time versus a full day. This methods helps to keep me on track.
  • Mslmesq
    Mslmesq Posts: 1,001 Member
    A bottle of wine. :tongue:
  • kim317
    kim317 Posts: 2 Member
    I was introduced to Blueberry Glazed cake donuts! They are 340 calories per but they are worth every bite. I'll eat 3-4 in the morning after my workout so the impact on my calorie count for the day is minimal.
  • ELEANOR43da
    ELEANOR43da Posts: 166 Member
    I may have a cheat item on a certain day ,but never an entire cheat day, I think I would crash!
  • ElsaVonMarmalade
    ElsaVonMarmalade Posts: 154 Member
    These fun threads always turn into half fun :drinker: , half preaching :grumble:
  • ice1200s
    ice1200s Posts: 237 Member
    These fun threads always turn into half fun :drinker: , half preaching :grumble:

    So true!
  • tonynguyen75
    tonynguyen75 Posts: 418 Member
    Everytime I go over my calories it's all because of beer. And lots of it -_-
  • ice1200s
    ice1200s Posts: 237 Member
    I only do a cheat day if I've lost weight that week, and I usually have whatever I want. So far, It hasn't slowed me down since I'm only five to ten pounds to goal. Who cares if it takes an extra week or so; I'm in this game for life.
  • qtgonewild
    qtgonewild Posts: 1,930 Member
    I haven't had one yet, but the pizza all day thing sounds good, with a few walks thrown in
  • Jenifer_Duron
    Interesting question.. but I would suggest that instead of cheat days you should have a single cheat meal every week. a single meal that you crave the most won't hurt as much as the entire day of unhealthy meals :) . Have whatever you like, but a little will be big enough!
  • glitterstreet
    I am a little bit embarrassed to admit this but every second week I will fast until the evening and eat 2500 calories in chocolate. No regrets. I also fit it into my deficit for the week so I don't know if it really constitutes 'cheating'.
  • MrsBobaFett
    MrsBobaFett Posts: 802 Member