Cardio and Strength same time

The place I started working out at doesn't open until 6 am. If I were to go in and do my hour+ workout I would be late for work by the time I shower. Would I have the same caloric burn if I went and did cardio in the morning and strength in the evening (or vise versa)?

Thanks in advance for your answers.


  • comittobethin
    comittobethin Posts: 42 Member
    Circuit training is probably your best bet. When I had a trainer, I would do circuit training with him to make the best use of our time. It basically entailed running from station to station and doing different things for a specified amount of time and then moving to the next. Sometimes I would be running up the stairs, doing so many push ups, lifting weights in different positions. I would go hardcore for one full round of the circuit. I would usually complete three circuits with 3 minutes of rest in between each circuit. I was out of breath by the end and was able to get in all of my weight lifting goals in. It really helped me when I would "race" against other trainers clients. It gave me motivation to push as hard as I could. Hope this helps!
  • janer4jc
    janer4jc Posts: 238 Member
    I think breaking up your workout this way is a great idea. And, yes, you should still get a great caloric burn by splitting up your day.