I've been a Fitness Pal member for some time . I honestly cannot recall if I have introduced myself or not . If not , I'm GoneGonzo and I have a weight problem that I'm seeking support with .

I'm 63 and recently retired . I also have Sleep Apnea , and A-Fib . I'm pushing 450 lbs and need to loose weight to save my life .

Today starts my new journey . I've started before and become sidetracked . I'll need motivation at times and hope I can count on you .



  • weightedfootsteps
    weightedfootsteps Posts: 4,349 Member
    Hi Gonzo... I'd like to add you as a friend.

    I know you can do this! You just have to be ready for it. Are you ready?

    I knew I was. I know that I'm coming close to paying for my weight gains that I had...and I am fixing that right now myself. I've lost 77 lbs. since around the end of January. I felt how hard it was to breathe walking upstairs and would get breathless in one flight....the only way I get breathless in a flight of stairs right when I'm sick. I found that out this week...Its like I regained all that weight overnight...and I discovered..There is no way I'm going to stay big when I can feel even better than I was last week.

    You can do anything you set your mind to!