New... Here...

edited November 2023 in Getting Started
Not sure if this is the right place to post this, but it is 'Getting Started' and that's what I'm doing.

So, hi, I'm on here because I feel like this could really help me. I'm at my highest weight, 211 and I'm 5'3", so you can imagine how bad I look lol. I need to change, not just to be healthy, but to be completely happy.

Many times I have started to try and lose weight/inches and I always give up. I give up because this is not something easy for me to do alone. I just can't seem to get motivated. But then I get on here and see that people have lost over 100 pounds and WOW! What better way to get excited about something! Here I am thinking it's impossible for me to lose 86 pounds when people have lost so much more!!

My mom always told me that I would look sickly if I weighed 125, but I do not believe that anymore! I wanna go for it, and sorta need a little help from people on here.

Can you tell me how you got started on your weight loss journey and how successful you have been from the start?

I would very much appreciate it! (:


  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    I started at over 16 stone ( 224+ lbs) and took out about 500 calories a day of carbohydrate from my daily intake, keeping the fats and proteins where they were. Over 6 months I lost 42 lbs doing that and walking a bit.

    Logging on here can be helpful, if time consuming, and opening your diary allows others to make (hopefully) constructive comments.
  • Jazzabelle100885
    Baby steps!!

    I started at 275+. At 5'6" that is ridiculous. I strived for health, not for a certain weight, I think that is when it really started working for me. If you think about "Oh I have 80 more lbs to go", chances are you will get discouraged. If you focus on today - today you are going to eat healthy, today you are going to work out, today you are going to be healthier and better than yesterday - then your chances of succeeding increase tremendously!

    I have "only" lost 27 lbs so far and my next small goal is another 29, but I am healthier and more in shape than I have ever been - even at lower weights! Don't focus too much on the numbers, focus on what matters most - your health, weight loss will come. You will get there!
  • lollylu97
    I agree with Jazzabelle, its definitely about wanting tog et healthy as opposed to pound counting. I took on this mindset last year when I joined the gym and changed my diet and found I really enjoyed and lost almost stone. From the looks of things on here (I've just returned after a long break!) you will find lots of friendly motivation to keep you going though.
  • Greywalk
    Greywalk Posts: 193 Member
    I started my journbey when I walked up one flight of stairs and was out of breath. This was when I decided it was time to not just lose weight but to be healthy. I was an athlete in College but I looked at myself and was not happy. My parents also have a weight problem. So I started by first deciding to be more active, walking first, and then adding other activity. My work allowed me 90 minutes a week of gym time on the clock, because the management team saw it cut the sick time of the employees by as much as 90% in some cases. So I got the doctor's note and signed up. I first did yoga and walking. Then I moved on to walking and weights. It has been a journey and I have had some lapses but I have not been out of breath...:smile: I have learned to watch how much I eat and when I ate Flan on Saturday, I added in a few extra minutes of work out to take the calories of Flan of my waist. I did not concentrate on my main goal of losing so much weight but as Jazzabelle and others often say, I focused on my baby steps, these are 5 lbs, and sometimes my baby steps was run 1/4 of a mile, then 1/3 of mile, but always forward to a more healthy life...flash forward a few years now...I run about 15 + miles a week just running. I play futbol (soccer) between 2 to 3 hours a week and I have energy to parent two girls, attend graduate school while working 40 hour work week. My gola is to lose that last pesky 12 pounds and my reward for doing so will be a sports massage. You can and should do owe it to be healthy and enjoy life. And if you need support or an encouraging words...drop me a line or just let me know. I did not get to healthy with a lot of encouragement and support form family and friends. :bigsmile:
  • alliemarie77
    alliemarie77 Posts: 378 Member
    My advice is start taking pictures and measurements from the day you start, and keep track of those. Take progress pics, and measurements each month.

    Log everything you put into your mouth!

    It really is as simple as calories in versus calories out. So move more and eat less. If it fits in your marcos you can have it. (I eat the heathy stuff first and then pick at the other stuff if it fits in my marcos.

    Start slow. If your body isn't used to exercising you obviously won't be able to run a marathon from the start. So start slow with walking increase your distance and speed. Before you know it you will be jogging your route.

    Set realistic mini goals. Don't set your goals to high because you'll get discouraged when you don't reach them.

    Your going to want to quit. Don't!!

    Good luck on your journey. If you'd like to add me as a friend please read my profile first, and include a message with the request. Thanks.

    **My progress this far is below. (-;
  • Last night I did come up with four goals to lose 20 pounds each. So that should make it less stressful haha.. (:

    Thank you all for all of the wonderful advice you've given! You really have no idea how much it means to me.
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