Getting Started - Intimidated by Weight Loss



  • bridgie101
    bridgie101 Posts: 817 Member
    Hey everyone! I really do appreciate all of the thoughtful responces. I woke up this morning and actually started. I think that if I can get through the day on this diet, maybe I can get through tomorrow too. Having the support does mean a lot to me. I do think I am afraid of failing. However, I have a lot to keep me going. I have had a long term boyfriend who has not mentioned my weight and I would love to see his face if he were to see me 50lbs lighter lol. Overall, I think I will just try and take this one day at a time & hopefully all goes well!
    Thanks a lot!!

    Look after yourself. :) One day at a time is a good way to do it. And remember there's no such thing as failing. You can't fail at dieting because there's no end date.

    There's no day you have to hand this thing in by. There's no examiner. :) It's just you doing what you want to do for your own reasons. :)
  • retiree2006
    retiree2006 Posts: 951 Member
    One thing someone mentioned on MFP awhile back that resonated with me...don't look at one bad day as "failure" or "what the heck...I should just give up". Think more in terms of a week at a time so if you have a bad day, just get back on track the next day and move on. One day won't make or break you, but the next week or month will if you have one bad day after another. No one is perfect. Good luck to you!
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