The 5:2 Fast Diet



  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    Why am I guessing a great many, I'd bet other people's money a majority slightly, still use MFP's goals for weight loss and so what is supposed to be a TDEE day is actually with 500 - 1000 cal deficit, and then don't eat back exercise calories to truly reach TDEE on those days.

    Only saying that from previous comments made by many starting it without fully researching it, or understanding either it or what MFP is doing. I don't think I caught that in this thread though, so that's good.

    Just understanding how you are setting up MFP. Activity level needs to be honest, and weight loss goal should be set to maintain.
    Then add exercise and eat those calories back.

    Or as the study did, just eat until full on the TDEE days as you normally would. Not stuffed, not out of boredom, ect.

    22% deficit for the week doing it the right way is great, and your hormones are mainly in balance, 2 days with reduced calories hardly messing that up.
  • flumi_f
    flumi_f Posts: 1,888 Member
    Been at it since May. If you eat the 'right' things on fast days, they are quite easy. (For me: lunch and dinner, protein and veggies, almost no carbs)

    If you are looking for 5:2 help - join the two 5:2 groups on here. Great people there, great supporting friends, lots of info too.

    Here are two links that may help you find your way into it better.

    Remember - it is a way of life, not a diet. Aside from the weightloss, there are quite a few great health benefits as part of the package.
  • wingchungym
    No thanks. I like food too much to starve myself.

    :laugh: Thats a tad ironic on a calorie counting forum.
  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    We can all do what we like.. some thing are just dumb if you eat nothing for 40 hours. Sounds like an eating disorder to me.
  • TwelveSticks
    TwelveSticks Posts: 288 Member
    I've been on 5:2 since January 28th and have lost 70 lbs. I've never been healthier (I no longer need cholesterol medication) or fitter (I ran my first 10k this week), and I've never eaten as well (without putting on weight).

    Ill-informed people who believe this is some sort of starvation diet or an eating disorder should shut up until they know what they're talking about.

    As for losing muscle mass - yep, that'll happen, but it'll happen on any calorie restricted diet.

    My lean body mass has gone down by 6 lbs since mid-March, but in that time I have also shed 43 lbs in fat. Now that I'm nearing the end of my weight-loss journey, I am starting to work on building my muscles back up again. Personally, I think it is much easier to deal with it this way.

    I have lost count of the number of people on MFP who are so scared of "losing muscle" that they don't actually lose weight. So - a less muscular, lean person or a more muscular fat one? I know which I'd rather be.
  • TeresaB1979
    TeresaB1979 Posts: 158 Member
    I'm going to paste the reply I gave someone else who asked about 5:2 earlier below for you... And as for anyone avoiding this way of eating because they like food too much? :laugh: :laugh: I love food and lots of it! That's why I don't want to be constantly dieting. I don't know why people chime in about something they early don't understand. So anyway, here's what the reality of 5:2 is like (from someone who knows what they're talking about. :wink:

    "Love, love, love it. Two days of being strict about calories and most of the week being relaxed about food and enjoying treats, never having to be 'on a diet' again? All good as far as I am concerned. The 'worst' that ever happens me eating this way is I maintain my weight instead of losing at the end of the week and on those weeks I have eaten a hell of a lot on the non-fast days. I intend to change to 6:1 when I reach target (which I should easily manage by xmas), I will eat like this for the rest of my life because it's simple and enjoyable and I hate that grind of constant calorie counting and feeling like I have 'failed' if I have a day where I eat pizza and have drinks or some other indulgence. Been doing it since February and can't recommend it highly enough. *PS. I have hypothyroidism meaning I have a really low metabolism- I haven't been putting on any weight since doing 5:2. Yay!*

    People will tell you 'It's a fad!'. It's only a 'fad' if you let it be one, I chose to make it my way of eating and it truly works. Of course it does- you create your calorie deficit through a couple of days of very strict calorie restriction. Obviously if you eat ridiculous amounts on your non fast days it won't work but I find I would really have to go mad stuffing my face for that to happen (I am 5ft 6 and 34 years old- I eat between 1600- 2000 on feed days and once in a while I have lots of treats and hit near the 3000 mark). It might not appeal to everyone and that's fine but many, many people love it.

    Apart from weight-loss there seems to be a lot of other health benefits. Have a look at the documentary 'Eat, Fast and Live Longer' for more information. That's what inspired me to try it and I couldn't be happier. Good luck! :smile: "

    *Edited to add- I think some people think you need to fully fast for two days in a row? No! You restrict calories to 500 (women) or 600 (men) for two days per week. Those can be any two days- for me it's generally Monday and Wednesday but it really doesn't matter what days you choose. To compare this way of eating to an eating disorder or a 'starvation' diet is ridiculous (and completely wrong). But there will always be people who need to criticize, even things they clearly don't understand. :noway: *
  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    Whatever. Yes you know best. Go for it and I really hope it works for you. Never put you down for it.
  • judilockwood
    judilockwood Posts: 134 Member
    I did 5:2 diet towards the end of my diet - I hadn't heard of it before then- and its amazing, I would really advocate this weight loss method, quickly lost my last 14 lbs and didn't feel hungry once. Its just a matter of organising yourself for the fast days and sticking to it .I eat lots of raw veg those days so I don't feel empty. I'm now maintaining well on 6:1 and know that I have a means of controlling my weight if it starts to creep up after special occasions. The health benefits reported are good too.