Getting used to a long walk (commute)

Hey! Since I came back to this town for uni I've started walking to and from campus from my flat (My rent is waaaay expensive, and bus passes are waaaay expensive, and I can't ride a bike.) The distance door to door is probably just a tad over 4 miles, and I save money by walking there and back every day I can. Being hilariously unfit as I am (220lbs), 8 miles leaves me hardly able to walk after I get home and sit down! I've done it for about a week's worth of days now (paused due to start-of-academic-year flu keeping me in bed) and right now my legs are killing me, haha! They're all swollen and feel like I could make them cramp up by poking them :P

TL;DR walking to class makes my legs hurt boo hoo

So I thought I'd ask for tips on how to look after them (heat?), thoughts on how long I'll be continuing this before they get used to the distance and DON'T feel like this when I get home, or what aesthetic improvements I'll see in my legs/body from this kind of exercise, and stories of similar experiences/commutes!

Also, eventually I want to run, but I have problems with breathing probably due to my mass. Any tips on that?


  • AllanMisner
    AllanMisner Posts: 4,140 Member
    First off, congratulations for making such a great commitment to yourself (and the environment). The walking will get easier as your body adapts to your new normal. So push on.

    As for recovery, I'd recommend the following:
    - get plenty of quality protein and fat in your diet. Don't over calorie restrict.
    - get plenty of sleep (this is the time your body rebuilds/repairs)
    - a cold bath followed by a warm shower should help move the lactic acid out.
    - stretch and foam roll your legs in the evening after you get home.

    Your body will adapt and the walk will get easier. Keep at it.
  • Thank you for the encouraging and informative reply! It's important for me to remember not to undereat as I've had to skip lunch and take light breakfasts lately... I'll definitely try what you suggested with the bath and shower, I think that's exactly the advice I was looking for! (How cold is cold? Like... 100% cold tap, or tepid?)
    I definitely will keep at it- wouldn't want to have to buy a bus pass..
  • 40mpw
    40mpw Posts: 75 Member
    Why can't you ride a bike?

    As far as soreness, I imagine your walk is something your body will eventually become accustomed to and will ache less and less. In the meantime, maybe yoga and/ or foam rolling will bring some relief.
  • lithezebra
    lithezebra Posts: 3,670 Member
    Hiking 8 miles a day, every day, might not be the best way to start getting in shape. Can you learn to ride a bike, take the bus one way, or take the bus every other day, to give your body more time to build up to this? I can hike 8 miles, no problem, but if I did it every day, I'd damage my hips and knees. However, if alternate hiking with strength training, biking, swimming, yoga, and other low impact exercise, it's great!
  • becky10rp
    becky10rp Posts: 573 Member
    WOW - I think it's great that you want to do this - but I think you need to start off SLOW.

    Maybe walk a mile - then take the bus the rest of the way.

    The absolute worst thing would be for you to hurt yourself - you really don't want that.

    I like the bicycle idea too - can you bike part of the way?

    Congrats on wanting to change yourself - just ease into it!
  • lithezebra
    lithezebra Posts: 3,670 Member
    There are bikes that are made for people who have balance problems, although you have to consider traffic safety any place that you ride, too.
  • :) Thanks for all the kind words. Last academic year I've been walking quite a lot- laps around the lake, so it's not too harsh.
    As for the bike, my dad spent ages with me on many occasions helping me try to learn in the past summer, but I never got my feet off the ground for more than three pedals before it was time to go back! It's confidence issues more than balance I think! At any rate I wouldn't be safe or confident on the cycle lane of the B-road on the way to the uni- fast traffic, lots of trucks.
    I like the yoga suggestion- I need to unwind too!