How do you get it back?



  • FitCanuckChick
    FitCanuckChick Posts: 240 Member
    Make your successes small ones. I mean really small - meaning, if you can't get through a Saturday without having a Cupcake Sunday - make that your goal :) Also, you set your ultimate goal, but set smaller goals or victories. Every 1/2 or 1 pound loss should be a joyous victory with high fives and *kitten* slaps all around. If it doesn't seem like a lot - grab a pound of butter. Really look at that pound of butter and realize - wow, I just lost that! I am amazing - I am awesome.

    I am going through a stall myself right now - not really a motivation stall, but a weight loss stall (I have about 15 to lose), and the bad stuff is looking really good. But, I have told myself I will not let food define who I am. Food is fuel, not comfort (and chips and chocolate won't be wearing a bikini for two weeks this coming winter - I will).

    In terms of working out, if you go to a gym this is a trick I do in a lull. All the cardio machines at the gym I go to have TVs built in, so, I look at what will be on TV that night and figure out a show I want to watch. Then, I plan to be at the gym on the cardio machine when that show is on - I get to kill two birds with one stone.

    Lulls suck! They really do. In our heads we know that we didn’t gain the weight in a month, but we sure want to get rid of it fast. So, I keep telling myself that. Good luck to you and your motivation.