Whats you best diet?

Just curious as to what diet has worked best for everyone? Was it Atkins, Nutrisytem, Low carbs?

What diet have you tried and succeded on? I am trying to figure out the best way to lose these unwated pounds and which diet gets the best results.


  • Escape_Artist
    Escape_Artist Posts: 1,155 Member
    The best way is to eat things you like at a calorie deficit.
    It's as simple as that.

    Calories in vs calories out.

    My diet consists of beer or wine every night, and brownies or ice cream. Oh and plenty of bacon :flowerforyou:
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,583 Member
    The best way is to eat things you like at a calorie deficit.
    It's as simple as that.

    Calories in vs calories out.

    Exactly this. Stop looking for "diets."

    This is a whole lot easier to stick to, and that's what it's gonna take.
  • ladymiseryali
    ladymiseryali Posts: 2,555 Member
    I'm not on a diet. I'm on a new eating plan called keto. I've been on it since late July and my ticker is proof that it's been working well!
  • sweebum
    sweebum Posts: 1,060 Member
    I second the above. It's not very exciting, and it doesn't need a fad diet book- but it works.

    Create a calorie deficit, and eat foods that fit within it. Exercise is a bonus.
  • echofm1
    echofm1 Posts: 471 Member
    There are lots of diets that will get the weight off quickly. The popular one now seems to be the Wheat Belly diet. If you want to lose the weight and keep it off though, you have to change how you eat for the long term. This, like ClassickQC said, is eating things you like at a calorie deficit. It's really all about calories in vs. calories out.
  • Ainar
    Ainar Posts: 858 Member
    To eat everything I want, whatever it is candies, ice cream or hamburgers, etc, and just count my calories. I tried low carb and liquid and other stuff but they just left me feeling very weak and tired and if I lost any weight then just gained it back again. Until I ended that BS and started to ate everything I want and just count my cals. That worked best for me.
  • Lemongrab1
    Lemongrab1 Posts: 158 Member
    The EatwhatIwant diet.
    Stay in calorie range, lose weight, eat candy, feel sexy.
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    I have lost weight on many "diets" ..... the problem with "diets" is that when I went back to my regular eating pattern.... the weight came back.

    Now - NO more diets for me. I eat the food I want & log it, I measure my portions, I try to get enough protein & healthy fats.

    What I have LEARNED from this (learning will help me keep weight off) .....is that processed foods often contain less protein, less fiber, more sugar, more fat. Processed food is generally higher calorie & less nutritious. So (for me) everything in moderation is the "lifestyle change" (not a diet) that will help me lose weight once and for all.
  • jonward85
    jonward85 Posts: 534 Member
    My bigeest problems with diets are you can't eat this or that or whatever it is I LIKE IT!!! Food is good. So, now i have learned to eat in moderation. It's amazing all the yummys i can have and still lose weight. Just as easy as Calories in vs Calories out. Just be careful as some calories are sneaky.
  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    I'm in the eat good foods and balance your calories camp.

    I started, and had a lot of success, just counting my calories and getting a little exercise. Now I try to pay attention to my macros as well (fat, carbs, protein) but I don't always reach those goals.

    Make sustainable changes. Eat plenty of good foods. Leave room for treats.
  • Sparlingo
    Sparlingo Posts: 938 Member
    The best thing is to take what you already eat, choose the good things from it more often, the less-good things less often, and eat fewer calories than you expend every day.

    There are no foods that I won't eat, unless I don't like the taste. What I eat now, I could eat for life and not feel deprived. That's why I know it will work.

    Basically, I eat the same things. Just a few more veggies, a few less Reese cups, and I work out more. I like it better this way, anyway :smile:.
  • CyberEd312
    CyberEd312 Posts: 3,536 Member
    The best way is to eat things you like at a calorie deficit.
    It's as simple as that.

    Calories in vs calories out.

    Exactly this. Stop looking for "diets."

    This is a whole lot easier to stick to, and that's what it's gonna take.

    Yep to all the above!!! :drinker:
  • notdieting
    notdieting Posts: 116 Member
    As above!

    Done all of 'em....Weight Watchers, Slimming World, Slimfast, Cabbage Soup, Atkins, HeartRight, Fasting, Banana Diet, you name it, I've done it. They all worked short term. I gained it all back plus more every time. Because they are not sustainable, they are a diet, not a way of life.

    I have now lost 42lb in the best, easiest and healthiest way I have ever lost weight. By eating what I want as long as it fits within my daily calorie allowance. By allowing a sensible calorie defecit and sticking to it. By working out three to four times a week. Easy. And I mean easy. I look different, feel amazing and have so much confidence in this method, I could sell this 'diet' on QVC if only it were a diet but guess what? Not dieting. Just changed the way I do food. For life! And it is truly liberating.

  • bethanylaugh
    The best thing for me was to stop believing that it was just calories in calories out...
    my diet of 1000-1200 calories was causing weight gain.

    exhibit A:
  • louisegibbs85
    louisegibbs85 Posts: 304 Member
    The best way is to eat things you like at a calorie deficit.
    It's as simple as that.

    Calories in vs calories out.

    Exactly this. Stop looking for "diets."

    This is a whole lot easier to stick to, and that's what it's gonna take.

    Yep to all the above!!! :drinker:

    Yessss I agree with this. I'm not on a diet I'm changing my lifestyle. I eat what I want within my calorie goal and exercise. Think of portion size and control ... its the best way and you will stick with it longer as it will become a way of life
  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member
    I'm on the "I'm not starving myself or giving anything up to become a Skinny B**ch" diet.

    AKA, I eat anything and everything I want, just in moderation. I stay within my calorie goal, and if I exercise, I get to eat more of what I love. I'm happy and I lose weight. Win-win!
  • chocoholicdiva
    chocoholicdiva Posts: 345 Member
    I'm not on a diet. I'm on a new eating plan called keto. I've been on it since late July and my ticker is proof that it's been working well!
    I've heard of this one more than once in my lifetime. The ketogenic diet. This is a diet that neurologists, believe it or not, recommend for people with epilepsy, usually kids but some adults too. I was as a kid. It wouldn't have worked though, my seizures were and are still too great. That's why I'm just watching what I eat and exercise more often. But one time I did do the Slimfast diet, that worked for a while for me, lost around 20 pounds with that one. Couldn't lose a damn ounce the second time I went on it. Which only goes to show that it only works if YOU put the work into it. :wink:
  • CaeliGirl11
    CaeliGirl11 Posts: 108 Member
    I eat what I want as long as I stay within my calorie range...calorie in < calorie out = weight loss = happy me:)
  • eazy_
    eazy_ Posts: 516 Member
    The best diet is the one you can stick with.

    A diet that isn't as much a 'diet' but a lifestyle change that becomes a way of life for the rest of your life.
  • The_Enginerd
    The_Enginerd Posts: 3,982 Member
    The one you can stick to long term.

    I eat what I want for the most part, I just don't overdo it.

    Calories In<Calories Out and fitting my Macros = Results I am happy with.