NSV - Fitting on an airplane

I feel so good! My weight loss is just shy of 30 lbs, and even though I was down about it not being "enough", the NSV's make me feel better than the scale - being in a smaller dress size feels great. But this NSV took the cake!

I went on a business trip last week, and I was anxious because just 5 months ago, when I had to travel for the first time with my company, I went through a humiliating experience at the airport. First, I had not flown in quite a while, so I did not realize how much I had gained - and I know that I was not exercising or watching what I ate. I get to the airport, and was having problems with knee pain just standing in long lines and lugging my purse and carry-on luggage. Then, when I got on the plane, walking down the aisle to my seat was embarrassing, because my hips extended outside the aisle and I was hitting basically everyone I passed by in their seats no matter how carefully I tried to maneuver. And then the worst part - I DID NOT fit in my seat; my hips were spilled over into the next passenger's seat. Thank God he was cool about it; I'm sure you all have heard horror stories on the news about people getting kicked off the plane for being too big. To make matters worse, when I tried to buckle my seat belt, it would not fit. That has NEVER happened! I was too embarrassed to ask the stewardess in front of everyone that I needed a seatbelt extender, so I got up (I had the window seat) and whispered to the stewardess that I needed an extender. She had to look for it, and asked me to take my seat in the meantime. When she found one she handed it to me with several people staring...I was mortified, disappointed in myself for allowing me to get this size, and immediately had it in my mind that I was going to quit my job, since it meant that I'd have to go through this embarrassment every time I fly.

During the flight, I had time to think and pray and adjust my attitude about quitting...this was the job I wanted, and God opened the door for me. This became my "light bulb moment". My weight has affected my health, my looks, and my confidence; I never thought about my weight affecting my job and career aspirations. So I asked Him that if he gives me the resources and the drive, and put the right people around me for encouragement, that I will start taking better care of my health once and for all.

So I finally got my act together...and now here I am almost 30 lbs lighter. And during last week's business trip, I stood in lines with way less knee pain, walked down the aisle on the plane with ease, fit easily in my seat, and buckled my seatbelt with room to spare!

I'm looking forward to more NSVs!


  • kwenners
    kwenners Posts: 9 Member
    This was so great to read! I can't think if a better NSV :) Keep up the hard work!
  • daniellemm1
    daniellemm1 Posts: 465 Member
    I am so sorry you had such a horrible experience. But congratulations on doing something about it!!! Keep up the great work and soon enough your seat will have room to spare!!!

    You rock!!!
  • shiichanchick
    shiichanchick Posts: 6 Member
    That's amazing! Congratulations on such a fantastic win!
  • tapirfrog
    tapirfrog Posts: 616 Member
    That's wonderful. That's life-changing.

    The hardest part for me would have been sitting there feeling like I wanted to die and then getting up and doing something about it. And you did. You didn't retreat into eating more and staying inside more. You pushed forward instead of falling back. That really is incredible. Go you.
  • kar328
    kar328 Posts: 4,159 Member
    Congrats! I've had the seatbelt problem too. One time a few years ago, I just made it look like it was fastened under my shirt and flew the whole way home with it unbuckled because I wasn't brave enough to ask for an extender. I went on a plane in July and there's room enough to buckle and not cut off my circulation.
  • FrauHaas2013
    FrauHaas2013 Posts: 615 Member
    The airport thing happened to me, before...the stewardess was nice about it and didn't say anything out loud; she had the extender balled up in her hand and handed it to me. My daughter was traveling with me at the time, and I made some kind of derogatory comment about needing an extender and she said, "Hey, at least the stewardess didn't ASSUME you needed one." I guess that's true! LOL

    But I noticed there were people in the flight - particularly men - who were much bigger than I who didn't ask for an extender and I sat there wondering how in the world did they get their seat belts on?? Then I finally saw one of them when he got up - he had it way under his stomach. A ha! The next time I traveled I was able to do it this way, too. Before, I had always gone across my stomach to cinch in, but now I did it under and it clicked...of course, I would NEVER get out of the seat or unbuckle it until we were safe on the ground!!!

    I haven't flown since January, but I didn't need an extender then, either...good for you in having your A Ha moment and turning your life around! It really does impact your health in so many other ways, as you described.

    Thanks for sharing your story!!!
  • hkmurphy83
    hkmurphy83 Posts: 262 Member
    Fabulous NSV!!! I flew this summer for the first time in a few years, and I couldn't believe how much room I had in my seat. I could even cross my legs! Great job!
  • purpledelight
    purpledelight Posts: 134 Member
    WAY TO GO!! that is awesome and amazing and fabulous!
  • brookielaw
    brookielaw Posts: 814 Member
    I actually quit flying and began driving everywhere because of the same experiences. I'll never forget the time I had to ask multiple times only to have the flight attendant forget me so I had no seatbelt for take-off. Flying has always been humiliating for me. I hope that I have finally lost enough not to need the extension but I guess I'll find out at Christmas. What a great victory for you!!!!! Great job!!!!!!!!
  • monicastryin
    monicastryin Posts: 40 Member
    "So I finally got my act together...and now here I am almost 30 lbs lighter. And during last week's business trip, I stood in lines with way less knee pain, walked down the aisle on the plane with ease, fit easily in my seat, and buckled my seatbelt with room to spare!"

    I REALLY understand this! I use to travel with my previous job and THANK GOD I was traveling with my friend and co-worker so we made sure we had seats next to each other so that I wouldn't have to "bother" other passengers. I was so embarrassed even though it was my friend.
  • TMLPatrick
    TMLPatrick Posts: 558 Member
    Yeah, I totally can relate... I get anxious about my weight more on airplanes than anywhere else. Congrats on making a big step!
  • HoneyCashew
    Yay! What a great NSV!! You go girl!
  • suzyfj8
    suzyfj8 Posts: 257 Member
    I know that feel, when I can fit in the seat with room to spare it is amazing! I thought the seats had got bigger but then I realised it was because my *kitten* was smaller :)
  • sweetcurlz67
    sweetcurlz67 Posts: 1,168 Member
    What an AWESOME NSV!!! Congratulations girl! :flowerforyou:
  • ninavalentine
    ninavalentine Posts: 131 Member
    Loved reading this! So inspiring and motivating!
  • dizzow
    It's nice to hear someone else talk about the horrors of flying. At about 30 lbs less than I am now, I am barely able to fasten the belt with much huffing and puffing and squeezing. I wouldn't want to try now. I am always terribly worried about sitting next to others. I hate making others uncomfortable and have actually prayed that the Lord would keep the seat next to me empty. I am also tall, so between my fat booty and my long legs, my knees are basically pressing into the back of the seat in front of me. It's all miserable..
    The next time I fly I should be more comfortable, and hopefully others too, even though not like it should be.
  • conniemaxwell5
    conniemaxwell5 Posts: 943 Member
    Great job! Keep it up!
  • abberbabber
    abberbabber Posts: 972 Member

    And how awesome that instead of just saying "I quit" because something embarrassing happened, you took a deep breath, looked your problem square in the eye and handled it.

  • DaRealMcKoy
    DaRealMcKoy Posts: 56 Member
    Great story. Thanks for sharing!
  • melfitnesspal13
    melfitnesspal13 Posts: 377 Member
    I recently flew and forgot my own personal seatbelt extender I had for years in my carry-on (yep, had my own). When I sat down I was able to buckle my seatbelt with ease AND lower the snack tray! It had been years since I was able to do that. It felt awesome. I still need to work at not spilling over to the next seat, one pound at a time....Congrats to you!!!!
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