Small Goal Big Results - Loose 10 - 15 lbs by Halloween!



  • AngelRMartinez
    So happy more have joined the challange. Its been a rough week for me. But we still have 13 days not including today! For these next 13 I am going to log in and i am going to eat right and work out!! We can do this!
  • HotSouthernMess
    HotSouthernMess Posts: 474 Member
    Weekly weigh in
    starting: 252
    current: 249.4

    I haven't done measurements yet but I have still made progress!

    Today: 10/30/2013
    Starting: 252
    Current: 246.8
    Total loss: 5.2
    I did not meet the 10 pound goal, but I am excited, regardless! :smile:
  • ljhall8
    ljhall8 Posts: 19 Member
    Todays Date: now the 31st of oct
    Current Weight: 228
    Goal Weight by Halloween: 226 :( didn't make it but happy anyway
    Neck: 15
    Waist: 34
  • AngelRMartinez
    Today is weigh in day. Needless to say this past month has been an obsticle. I was sick then recently my Grandpa passed away and I was attending the funeral this passed week. So my mind has not been on my Goals at all.

    Todays Date: now the 31st of oct
    Start Weight 168
    Current Weight: 163
    Goal Weight by Halloween: 155

    I did not make it to goal weight but I am glad I accounted myself for the most part and was able to loose 5 lbs. Thank you everyone who praticipated. Keep going strong!