Taking Phentermine, eating 1200 calories, not losing weight



  • Madame_Goldbricker
    Madame_Goldbricker Posts: 1,625 Member
    I've taken Phentermine in the past a couple of times I'm 5'7 & 210lbs. I'm in the UK & I used to get it through a "Dr" *cough cough* at a slimmng clinic. Yes, I dropped a couple of stones both times. Yes, I gained it right back with a few friends too.

    It's great at curbing your appetite but it won't teach anyone how to stop over eating, portion control, or finding a good balance of nutrition. Personally I don't think it's worth it as even if you don't get any side effects. It is actually just legal speed. You can fail a narcotics test when you're on it. Speaks volumes really......:noway:
  • snazzyjazzy21
    snazzyjazzy21 Posts: 1,298 Member
    I do have an iron deficiency, but I admit I haven't taken the iron supplements every day. There have been times I thought I had chronic fatigue syndrome, but never mentioned it to my doctor.

    Then take your iron! How would you know if you had CFS if you're not properly treating a condition where the #1 symptom is fatigue?

    This. You wouldn't just not take your bi polar medication and your iron supplements should be the same. It can take weeks to get your iron levels up again if you've let them drop and could easily be the cause of your low energy.
  • 1szeb
    1szeb Posts: 7 Member
    Iron deficiency, together with your medications, can definitely cause fatigue. Iron tablets can cause some side effects like constipation which can be very uncomfortable, but you have to take them. Increasing your fiber, fresh fruit and vegetable intake can help. You must talk to your treating physician about your fatigue because, like I said, it could be due to your meds. There might be another combination that could work better for you. Don't be afraid to tell your doctor anything that you are feeling, even if you might not think it's important it very well could be. If you don't feel comfortable talking to your doctor then you should try to find one that you feel more comfortable with. Your health comes first and you need a doctor that works with you as a team. If you haven't had a full lab work up, then it's time to get one. And definitely eat more than 1200 calories a day as a low calorie intake can just make it worse.
  • EdwardNortonFan43
    EdwardNortonFan43 Posts: 150 Member
    What does OP mean?
  • PhoenixStrikes
    PhoenixStrikes Posts: 587 Member
    What does OP mean?
    Original poster
  • EdwardNortonFan43
    EdwardNortonFan43 Posts: 150 Member
    The doctor that prescibed the pills was a primary care doctor who I have seen sporadically the past couple of years. It had been a long time since seeing him when I went in for bronchitis. He weighed me and said I had gained weight since my last visit, then he calculated my BMI. He said I was overweight, suggested the phentermine, and told me I should eat healthier and excercise. I am not going back to see him because he is not on my insurance any more.
  • NikiChicken
    NikiChicken Posts: 576 Member
    I didn't go looking for a pill to fix my weight problem, I just want to make that clear. My doctor suggested I take it because he said I had gained too much weight.

    You seriously need a new doctor! Wow! I'd be running far and fast away from this quack!
  • PhoenixStrikes
    PhoenixStrikes Posts: 587 Member
    You're 5"7 and 167 lbs? It's going to come off slowly because you're much closer to a goal than most, probably.

    Are you drinking a lot of water? If you aren't, I suggest you start because I SWEAR that is the key to weight loss.

    Is your sodium intake high? Make sure you aren't overdoing it with sodium, it makes you retain water.

    Keep it up! You can do it!

    I have heard about this retaining water thing with sodium...how long is water retained? its just all a lil confusing to me. and i love salty things. i was just really counting calories and fat grams, not really paying attention to the other stuff. what would be the amount of sodium you would say is ok to consume daily?

    The FDA reccomnede around 2300ml of sodium over day, I shoot for that number because I don't want water weight to affect the scale if I can help it. Also, high sodium causes me to have terrible headaches. Water weight can stay on for a couple of days but the more water you drink the better because water flushes out your system. Some people don't watch their sodium, some do, it just depends on the person. I don't worry about cutting fat as much because I have a hard time getting enough already and fat is important to weight loss just like protein.
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    The doctor that prescibed the pills was a primary care doctor who I have seen sporadically the past couple of years. It had been a long time since seeing him when I went in for bronchitis. He weighed me and said I had gained weight since my last visit, then he calculated my BMI. He said I was overweight, suggested the phentermine, and told me I should eat healthier and excercise. I am not going back to see him because he is not on my insurance any more.
    not going back to that doctor is wise.
    "Bronchitis? Have some phentermine"
  • Madame_Goldbricker
    Madame_Goldbricker Posts: 1,625 Member
    The doctor that prescibed the pills was a primary care doctor who I have seen sporadically the past couple of years. It had been a long time since seeing him when I went in for bronchitis. He weighed me and said I had gained weight since my last visit, then he calculated my BMI. He said I was overweight, suggested the phentermine, and told me I should eat healthier and excercise. I am not going back to see him because he is not on my insurance any more.

    Not being funny but who is monitoring your blood pressure then? It needs to be checked every 2-4 weeks when you are on Phentermine......
  • Cinflo58
    Cinflo58 Posts: 326 Member
    If I were you I would find another doctor. He should have referred you to a dietitian instead of just giving you a pill. Did he ask about what you're eating? Are you getting enough sleep? Exercise? This DRUG will help with weight loss but unless you learn how to EAT LESS AND EXERCISE MORE you will just gain the weight back when you stop it. I bet the pharmaceutical rep took him on a cruise or took him out to dinner and so he is pushing Phentermine

    When I started MFP, I logged to see how much I was eating and then gradually started making healthier choices. You don't have to "eat clean". Just find out where you overeating and eat less, drink less and be more active. People here are quick to give advice but be careful because some don't know what they are talking about!

    Good luck whatever you do
  • EdwardNortonFan43
    EdwardNortonFan43 Posts: 150 Member
    No one is monitoring my blood pressure. But I haven't had any side effects, I don't feel any different than before I took it, other than I don't have much of an appetite. I don't feel like I'm on speed or anything like that, I don't have heart palpitations or anything. If I did, I would have already stopped taking it.
  • 1szeb
    1szeb Posts: 7 Member
    The doctor that prescibed the pills was a primary care doctor who I have seen sporadically the past couple of years. It had been a long time since seeing him when I went in for bronchitis. He weighed me and said I had gained weight since my last visit, then he calculated my BMI. He said I was overweight, suggested the phentermine, and told me I should eat healthier and excercise. I am not going back to see him because he is not on my insurance any more.

    Um. Not cool. It's best that he is no longer your doctor because that is a drastic move for a slightly high BMI. I thought he may have prescribed it to help with issues relating to your other medication. Definitely call the doctor treating you for your bipolar to make sure it's safe for you to stop taking phentermine right away, and then do so. Also make an appointment with your psychiatrist to discuss your current medications, these side effects (fatigue, weight gain, anemia which may or may not be due to the drugs) and see if there aren't other medications you can take with less severe side effects. And ask for recommendations for a new primary care doctor (from the doctor, friends, family) and try to find one you really feel comfortable with. I really wish you the best. I know it must be difficult, but there is a way to fix it. It just won't be a quick fix so be patient.
  • Sedna_51
    Sedna_51 Posts: 277 Member
    Given what you've said, I think taking your iron supplements will really help you have more energy. I used to avoid or forget to take mine too and I would crash out into total, complete exhaustion on a regular basis. Not fun. And I would highly, highly recommend you go to the doctor who's helping you manage your bipolar disorder and ask them to recommend a good PCP who understands your condition. They may also be able to recommend a dietitian or nutritionist that can help you plan meals and exercise. And then, yeah, if it were me, I'd ditch the phentermine. NOT because it's a "cop-out" or "the easy/lazy way out". But because the risk profile's pretty high (higher, I might argue, then being very slightly overweight), and it doesn't seem to be helping you that much.

    Whatever you decide to do, I wish you the best of luck!
  • EdwardNortonFan43
    EdwardNortonFan43 Posts: 150 Member
    Thanks for the advice. I appreciate it. But, more importantly, what in the world is your profile pic of?
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    Thanks for the advice. I appreciate it. But, more importantly, what in the world is your profile pic of?

    Looks like a Capybara. It's the largest rodent in Australia.
  • KyliAnne26
    KyliAnne26 Posts: 209 Member
    I am confused. My primary care physician suggested I take phentermine because I am overweight, I didn't ask him at all about losing weight, he pointed it out to me. If it's so unhealthy, why did he think it was a good idea?

    ... Because the Phentermine drug rep probably takes your Primary care physician out to dinner on the regular. That, or your PCP if banging the drug rep. Big pharma's a ***** yo, don't trust her.
  • Madame_Goldbricker
    Madame_Goldbricker Posts: 1,625 Member
    Thanks for the advice. I appreciate it. But, more importantly, what in the world is your profile pic of?

    Looks like a Capybara. It's the largest rodent in Australia.


    Oh my! I now want a Gary :bigsmile:
  • Sedna_51
    Sedna_51 Posts: 277 Member
    Thanks for the advice. I appreciate it. But, more importantly, what in the world is your profile pic of?

    Looks like a Capybara. It's the largest rodent in Australia.

    That is correct! I couldn't resist the little glasses. In related news, here is a picture of a guinea pig riding a capybara.


  • EdwardNortonFan43
    EdwardNortonFan43 Posts: 150 Member
    How adorable.