Thoughts on Insanity workout?

Thinking about starting Insanity workout? I do workout routinely and am looking for something to spice up my workout routine. I am NOT in perfect shape but, feel :happy: like a challenge is in order. My usual workouts include walking, running, treadmill, and occasional weights. What are your thoughts?


  • shawnakrebs
    shawnakrebs Posts: 50 Member
    I am almost done with my 1st round of Insanity and it is no joke, I love it. The first month seems real hard until you hit the second month, then you want to go back. Don't have expectations of massive weight loss (if you do), I at first was a little discouraged by zero weight loss, but I am down in my pant size, which is better then pounds lost. You will gain strength all around and get better core balance. Have fun, go at your own pace while pushing won't regret it (after the workout!)
  • alanmonks
    alanmonks Posts: 115 Member
    Im half way through month 1. I love it too.
    Its circuit training on another level and makes you wanna work hard for it.
    Get on it, you wont regret it
  • chljlleal
    chljlleal Posts: 229 Member
    Do it!! It is hard work but the results are worth it.

    I am just starting my second attempt at doing the full 60 days, hope I can stick to it this time.
  • It's definitely a good workout! I only did the 1st month--it was way too hard on my knees so I had to stop. The workouts are great though--very challenging. I didn't notice significant weight loss but I felt so much better about myself---I could tell I was in shape & a lot stronger, which was an amazing feeling! I suggest doing it w/ a partner if you can so you can hold each other accountable & push each other to do the workouts...I could have never done it by myself. Good luck! :)
  • melissaka7
    melissaka7 Posts: 277 Member
    I'm 2 weeks away from completing. I LOVE IT. I love Shaun T. I love his crew. It's the only video work out program I've ever looked forward to doing every day and have stuck to.
  • pearson114
    pearson114 Posts: 66 Member
    I got up to Week 6, Day 1 and gave up. I loved it, but it that second month was a killer and my knees, back and ankle were hurting.

    I'm moving house on Friday, so as of Monday morning - I'm back on it, from the beginning at 5.30am before work.

    It's excellent, and really, really transforms your body. I also lost quite a few lbs doing it too!
  • OMG_Twinkies
    OMG_Twinkies Posts: 215 Member
    I finished in June (lost 22lbs and tons of inches) and am halfway thru my second round now. It's definitely more difficult in the beginning, but it's so amazing to see the results (strength, speed, endurance) build up so quickly if you give every workout your all. That's why they have you do the fit test throughout- because you're constantly improving. If there are exercises that you can't do with good form in the beginning, just tweak it to your capabilities and you'll get there. I couldn't do the power jumps until I was well into month 2. And I STILL can't do a real pushup, but I just modify that part, and I'm getting there.

    Fair warning- you will work muscles you didn't know you had, so soreness (which means water retention) in the first 1-2 weeks is completely normal. Don't go by the scale in month 1. Add me if you like :flowerforyou:
  • eating4me
    eating4me Posts: 239 Member
    I think it's the best workout I've ever done. If you're looking for a challenge, you'll find it in Insanity. It will take a serious commitment, but it is worth it. I only have 3 more days left, and I'll have completed the program, for the first time. Because I love it so much, I'll be doing a hybrid program of Insanity, with P90X, next. I'll most likely always incorporate some of the Insanity program into my workouts, no matter what I do in the future, because it's just THAT good. Shaun T. is a terrific motivator and coach. I've gone from wearing a size 8 jean, back to 2's-4's again, I feel stronger overall, and it's improved my running endurance tremendously!! (I am not a Beachbody coach; I'm just very enthusiastic about Insanity!)